One of the central goals of archaeology is the definition of regional cultural succession. Since at least the 1960s, archaeology has purported to have moved beyond the strictures of Culture History, and yet the constructs of that paradigm (styles, periods, cultures) continue to be used routinely. This work aims to show that by doing so, one is still implicitly subscribing to that theoretical perspective's assumptions and biases.
Rodríguez,Jaime Arocha (Editor) and Quintero Barrera,Rosa Patricia (Editor)
Book, Whole
Publication Date:
Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Centro de Estudios Sociales, Grupo de Estudios Afrocolombianos
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Papers from a seminar held Oct. 28-29, 2004, at the Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango, Bogotá, Colombia., 293 p., A collection of personal tributes to the life and work of Nina S. de Friedemann, as well as writings related to her research on the black population in Colombia.
This is a sociolinguistic study of San Basilio, located on Colombia's northern or Caribbean coast and the last surviving community where a Spanish-based Creole language still exists in the whole of the Americas
Niblett,Michael (Editor) and Oloff,Kerstin (Editor)
Book, Edited
Publication Date:
Amsterdam ; New York: Rodopi
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
270 p., Includes Heidi Bojsen's "Other Americas, other genderings : postcolonial heroines and rhizomatic geographies in Patrick Chamoiseau's Biblique des derniers gestes," Patricia Krus' "The ethics of postcolonial healing in Astrid Roemer's trilogy of Suriname," Paulette Ramsay's "Cross-cultural poetics : debating the place of Afro-Mexican poetry in the context of Caribbean literary and cultural aesthetics," Theo D'haen's "Exile, Caribbean literature, and the world republic of letters" and Kerstin D. Oloff's "Wilson Harris, regionalism and postcolonial studies."
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
240 p, It's the introduction that never became Afrocubana Culture, the work in four volumes that its author, Jorge Castellanos, wrote in collaboration with her daughter Isabel and Universal editions that given the stamp from 1988 to 1994.
United States. Department of the Interior. National Park Service (Author)
Publication Date:
Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
152 p, Includes "Gardening, yard decoration, and agriculture among peoples of African descent in the rural South and in the Cayman Islands" and "Por la encendida calle antillana : African influence on Puerto Rican architecture."
México, D.F.: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
292 p, Contents: La población negra en el istmo centroamericano / Francisco Lizcano -- Las culturas afroamericanas de Belice : criollos y garífunas en la identidad pluriétnica de su país / Francesca Gargallo -- Presencia y ausencia de la población negra en El Salvador / Francisco Lizcano -- Presencia negra en Honduras / Rafael Leiva Vivas -- La población de origen africano en Nicaragua / Germán J. Romero V. -- Presencia y aportes de la africanía en Costa Rica / Quince Duncan -- El negro en Panamá / Manuel de la Rosa
Pagliaro,Harold E. (Author) and American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (Author)
Book, Whole
Publication Date:
Cleveland, OH: Press of Case Western Reserve University
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
468 p, Includes Leon G. Campbell's "Racism without race: ethnic group relations in late colonial peru," pp. 323-333; and David Lowenthal's "Free colored West Indians: a racial dilemma";
Maio,Marcos Chor (Editor) and Santos,Ricardo Ventura (Editor)
Book, Edited
Publication Date:
Rio de Janeiro: Editora FIOCRUZ
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
314 p., Contents: Entre a riqueza natural, a pobreza humana e os imperativos da civilização, inventa-se a investigação do povo brasileiro / Jair de Souza Ramos, Marcos Chor Maio -- Raça, doença e saúde pública no Brasil : um debate sobre o pensamento higienista do século XIX / Marcos Chor Maio -- Mestiçagem, degeneração e a viabilidade de uma nação : debates em antropologia física no Brasil (1870-1930) / Ricardo Ventura Santos -- Crânios, corpos e medidas : a constituição do acervo de instrumentos antropométricos do Setor de Antropologia Biológica do Museu Nacional no fim do século XIX-início do século XX / Guilherme José da Silva, et al. -- "Estoque semita" : a presença dos judeus em Casa-grande & senzala / Marcos Chor Maio -- Cientificismo e antirracismo no pós-2a Guerra Mundial : uma análise das primeiras declarações sobre raça da Unesco / Marcos Chor Maio, Ricardo Ventura Santos -- Antropologia, raça e os dilemas das identidades na era da genômica / Ricardo Ventura Santos, Marcos Chor Maio -- No fio da navalha : raça, genética e identidades / Ricardo Ventura Santos, Maria Cátira Bortolini, Marcos Chor Maio -- A cor dos ossos : narrativas científicas e apropriações culturais sobre "Luzia," um crânio pré-histórico do Brasil / Verlan Valle Gaspar Neto, Ricardo Ventura Santos -- Política de cotas raciais, os "olhos da sociedade" e os usos da antropologia : o caso do vestibular da Universidade de Brasília / Marcos Chor Maio, Ricardo Ventura Santos -- Política social com recorte racial no Brasil : o caso saúde da população negra / Marcos Chor Maio, Simone Monteiro.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
423 p., Focuses on the migrations and metamorphoses of black bodies, practices, and discourses around the Atlantic, particularly with regard to current issues such as questions of identity, political and human rights, cosmopolitics, and mnemo-history. Includes Judith M. Williams' "Néritude as performance practice: Rio de Janeiro's Black experimental theatre," Richard Follett's "The spirit of Brazil: football and the politics of Afro-Brazilian cultural identity," Dorothea Fischer-Hornung's "Transbodied/transcultured : moving spirits in Katherine Dunham's and Maya Deren's Caribbean," Elvira Pulitano's "Re-mapping Caribbean land(sea)scapes: aquatic metaphors and transatlantic homes in Caryl Phillips's The Atlantic sound," and Antoinette Tidjani Alou's "Marine origins and anti-marine tropism in the French Caribbean: André and Simone Schwarz-Bart."
Ball,Erica (Editor), Pappademos,Melina (Editor), and Stephens,Michelle Ann (Editor)
Book, Edited
Publication Date:
Durham, NC: Duke University Press
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Special journal issue; Issue 103 of Radical history review, Winter 2009., 246 p., Addresses transnational discourses of race, gender, and sexuality in African diaspora politics, African diaspora experiences on the African continent, the politics of African-descended peoples in Europe, and creative uses of the discourses of memory and diaspora to support political organizing and local struggles. Essays on Venezuelans, Bolivians, and Mexicans address the status of race in the study of African-descended populations and cultures in Latin America.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Journal Title Details:
Contents: Vol. 3 : Les Marrons de la liberté ; vol. 5 : Le théâtre à Saint-Domingue ; vol. 8 : Regards sur l'histoire ; vol. 9 : Regards sur la littérature et... ; vol. 10 : Regards sur le temps passé