Reviews several books. A Place in the Sun? Women Writers in Twentieth-Century Cuba, by Catherine Davis; Afro-Cuban Literature: Critical Junctures,'by Edward J. Mullen; My Own Private Cuba: Essays on Cuban Literature and Culture, by Gustavo Pérez Firmat.;
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
138 p, Description and analysis of the two most important religions of African descent in Cuban spiritual life: the first of Yoruban origin; the second of Congo-Bantu origin
Feira de Santana, Bahia: Eduefs -Editora da Universdade Estadual de Feira de Santana
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
139 p, Professor Adjunto da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, com doutorado e pós doutorado em estudos culturais, o australiano radicado na Bahia Piers Armstrong dedica-se a uma vertente culturalista que procura compreender de maneira singular as manifestações populares do estado da Bahia. Neste livro ele discute a obra de Jorge Amado, Caetano Veloso, Gilberto GIl e Carlinhos Brown, alé, de analisar vestuário, gíria, arte, costumes, publicidade e discurso político da cultura bahiana, principalmente a popular, imbricada com a questão da negritude.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
311 p., Works by Argentine and Uruguayan specialists in the study of the black population and its impact on cultural formation of the Río de la Plata intertwines. The central idea is to strengthen the dialogue and discussion on issues that were silenced by official cultures for many years.
James,Conrad (Author) and Perivolaris,John (Author)
Publication Date:
Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
280 p., "While difficult to define--and sometimes even to locate—the Hispanic Caribbean is fraught with tension. The region includes nations that have common histories yet very different contemporary political characteristics. This collection maps out the reasons behind the tensions and looks specifically at the distinctive causes and founding concepts of the area." (Google) Includes: Ian Isidore Smart's "Discovering Nicolás Guillén through Afrocentric Literary Analysis"; Efraín Barradas' "Nancy Morejón: Nation, Negritude, and Marginality"; Manuel Granados' "Notes on the History of Blacks in Cuba . . . and May Elegguá Be with Me"; Jorge Marbán's "Transculturation and Integration of the Afro-Venezuelan World in the Contemporary Venezuelan Novel";
Torres-Saillant,Silvio (Editor), Hernandez,Ramona (Editor), and Jimenez,Blas R. (Editor)
Book, Whole
Spanish or English
Publication Date:
Santo Domingo: Manatí: Librería La Trinitaria
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Proceedings from two conferences held in New York and Santo Domingo in 2001., 540 p, Contents: Prefacio / Silvio Torres-Saillant ... [et al.] -- Introducción / Silvio Torres-Saillant -- Memoria de la diversidad perdida: Reflexiones iniciales -- PARTE I. MIGRACIÓN E IDENTIDAD CAMBIANTE -- Los cocolos: la identidad labrada / Norberto James Rawlings -- La herencia china: una meditación / Mu-Kien Adriana Sang -- Fobias nacionalistas y los domínico-haitianos / Sonia Pierre -- La herencia árabe / Orlando Inoa -- Domínico-puertorriqueños en el "país de cinco pisos" / Miguel Cordero Ortiz -- La migración dominicana en España / Bernarda Jiménez Clemente -- La dominicanidad itinerante / Anthony R. Stevens-Acevedo -- Being Dominican in Holland / Lisa Boersen -- Antelación I: el drama escolar / Milagros Ortiz Bosch -- PARTE II. RAZA, CLASE E INSTITUCIONES -- Evolución reciente de la protesta social / Roberto Cassá -- Cultura popular y discurso sobre la dominicanidad / Diógenes Céspedes -- La diversidad en la educaión superior / Rafael Toribio -- Second-generation Dominicans in New York City high schools / Nancy López -- Poemas / Blas R. Jiménez -- Religión y diversidad / Marcos Villamán -- La iglesia patriarcal dominicana / Sara Pérez -- Antelación II: el mundo de los libros / Virtudes Uribe -- PARTE III. SEXUALIDAD, GÉNERO Y NACIÓN -- Las mujeres en el ensayo del Caribe hispano / Daisy Cocco de Filippis -- Tres imágenes de lo femenino en el siglo XIX y el feminismo pionero / Ramonina Brea -- Las mujeres y otros subordinados en el espacio público nacional / Jacqueline Jiménez Polanco -- Modelo familiar y cuerpo femenino / Denise Paiewonsky -- Continuidad y cambios sociopolíticos de la mujer dominicana / Isis Duarte -- Homogeneidad, proyecto de nación y homofobia / Yuderkys Espinosa Miñoso -- Primero Puta que Pájara: sexuality and Dominicanness / Dulce Reyes Bonilla -- Proyección I: conocimiento, confianza y convivencia / Tomas Ybarra Frausto -- PARTE IV. LA DIFERENCIA Y EL RECLAMO CIUDADANO -- Race, nation, and Dominican Nationalist discourse / Elka Scheker Mendoza -- Emigración, politíca pública y gobierno en Puerto Rico / Félix V. Matos Rodríguez -- Diasporic lobbying in American politics / Michel S. Laguerre -- The perspective of African diaspora studies / James de Jongh -- Between the nation and the diaspora: migration to and from Puerto Rico / Jorge Duany -- La "otra isla" de New York y la caribeñidad a la intemperie / Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel -- Lista de Washington Hieghts / Josefina Báez -- Proyección II: entre lo homogéneo y lo heterogéneo / Franklin Franco Pichardo -- Epílogo: Dominicanos de afuera, aquí y allá / Ramona Hernández.
Núñez,Benjamín (Author) and African Bibliographic Center (Author)
Book, Whole
Publication Date:
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
525 p, A historical and descriptive dictionary of historical events, with selected biographies of Afro-Latin political leaders, writers, and other important personalities. Drawing on 14 glossaries and dictionaries, 126 books, and 20 articles, the author has carefully selected for this attractively organized reference tool more than 4500 entries pertinent to the study of Africans in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Heywood,Linda M. (Author) and Faustino,Oswaldo (Author)
Book, Whole
Publication Date:
São Paulo: Editora Contexto
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Portuguese translation of Linda Heywood, Central Africans and cultural transformations in the American diaspora selections (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002)., 222 p., Studies the importance of Central African culture to the cultures of the Americas since the Atlantic slave trade. Focusing on the Kongo/Angola culture zone, the book illustrates how African peoples re-shaped their cultural institutions as they interacted with Portuguese slave traders up to 1800, then follows Central Africans through all the regions where they were taken as slaves and recaptives.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
294 P., First published in 1942 at the crest of her popularity, this is Zora Neale Hurston's unrestrained account of her rise from childhood poverty in the rural South to prominence among the leading artists and intellectuals of the Harlem Renaissance.
A research project covering the Mexico-Belize border underpins an exploration of nodal elements of the theocratic identity of Jehovah's Witnesses. Conception & form of behavior are documented in religion, society, & family, generating an image of a scenario where many of the social relations in the religious group are reproduced
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
311 p, Sítese histórica que aborda todas as etapas da história do Espírito Santo: a ocupação original pelas tribos nativas, as capitanias hereditárias, a escravidão, a presença dos jesuítas, e o impacto dos ciclos económicos na região. Recupera a atuação de personagens como Vasco Fernandes Coutinho (o primeriro donatário), e a visita de DOm Pedro II em 1860.;