Maio,Marcos Chor (Editor) and Santos,Ricardo Ventura (Editor)
Book, Edited
Publication Date:
Rio de Janeiro: Editora FIOCRUZ
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
314 p., Contents: Entre a riqueza natural, a pobreza humana e os imperativos da civilização, inventa-se a investigação do povo brasileiro / Jair de Souza Ramos, Marcos Chor Maio -- Raça, doença e saúde pública no Brasil : um debate sobre o pensamento higienista do século XIX / Marcos Chor Maio -- Mestiçagem, degeneração e a viabilidade de uma nação : debates em antropologia física no Brasil (1870-1930) / Ricardo Ventura Santos -- Crânios, corpos e medidas : a constituição do acervo de instrumentos antropométricos do Setor de Antropologia Biológica do Museu Nacional no fim do século XIX-início do século XX / Guilherme José da Silva, et al. -- "Estoque semita" : a presença dos judeus em Casa-grande & senzala / Marcos Chor Maio -- Cientificismo e antirracismo no pós-2a Guerra Mundial : uma análise das primeiras declarações sobre raça da Unesco / Marcos Chor Maio, Ricardo Ventura Santos -- Antropologia, raça e os dilemas das identidades na era da genômica / Ricardo Ventura Santos, Marcos Chor Maio -- No fio da navalha : raça, genética e identidades / Ricardo Ventura Santos, Maria Cátira Bortolini, Marcos Chor Maio -- A cor dos ossos : narrativas científicas e apropriações culturais sobre "Luzia," um crânio pré-histórico do Brasil / Verlan Valle Gaspar Neto, Ricardo Ventura Santos -- Política de cotas raciais, os "olhos da sociedade" e os usos da antropologia : o caso do vestibular da Universidade de Brasília / Marcos Chor Maio, Ricardo Ventura Santos -- Política social com recorte racial no Brasil : o caso saúde da população negra / Marcos Chor Maio, Simone Monteiro.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
423 p., Focuses on the migrations and metamorphoses of black bodies, practices, and discourses around the Atlantic, particularly with regard to current issues such as questions of identity, political and human rights, cosmopolitics, and mnemo-history. Includes Judith M. Williams' "Néritude as performance practice: Rio de Janeiro's Black experimental theatre," Richard Follett's "The spirit of Brazil: football and the politics of Afro-Brazilian cultural identity," Dorothea Fischer-Hornung's "Transbodied/transcultured : moving spirits in Katherine Dunham's and Maya Deren's Caribbean," Elvira Pulitano's "Re-mapping Caribbean land(sea)scapes: aquatic metaphors and transatlantic homes in Caryl Phillips's The Atlantic sound," and Antoinette Tidjani Alou's "Marine origins and anti-marine tropism in the French Caribbean: André and Simone Schwarz-Bart."
Ball,Erica (Editor), Pappademos,Melina (Editor), and Stephens,Michelle Ann (Editor)
Book, Edited
Publication Date:
Durham, NC: Duke University Press
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Special journal issue; Issue 103 of Radical history review, Winter 2009., 246 p., Addresses transnational discourses of race, gender, and sexuality in African diaspora politics, African diaspora experiences on the African continent, the politics of African-descended peoples in Europe, and creative uses of the discourses of memory and diaspora to support political organizing and local struggles. Essays on Venezuelans, Bolivians, and Mexicans address the status of race in the study of African-descended populations and cultures in Latin America.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Journal Title Details:
Contents: Vol. 3 : Les Marrons de la liberté ; vol. 5 : Le théâtre à Saint-Domingue ; vol. 8 : Regards sur l'histoire ; vol. 9 : Regards sur la littérature et... ; vol. 10 : Regards sur le temps passé
"In London and in the North American cities where migrants from the Caribbean have instituted Carnival, the majority of people are ignorant about the nature of calypso: it is stereotyped in their minds as music for tourists. Accordingly, I would like to give a brief description of the true nature of calypso and of the steelband as an orchestra, so as to set the records straight and undo some the Eurocentric damage to Caribbean art forms." (author)
The "novel, as a more conscious artifact, is shaped in a more deliberate manner than poetry and revolutionary struggle in the novel is utilized with a well-defined intention. We will demonstrate these contentions by analysing the following novels: Bertene Juminer's Bozambo's Revenge, V. S. Naipaul's Guerrillas, and Alejo Carpentier's Explosion in a Cathedral." (author)
"Any attempt to trace the many resonances that historically have been attached to the creole figure in Caribbean literature and culture will be inflected by the long and pervading presence of colonialism in the region and its attendant corollary of hierarchical social separation and difference based on perceptions of race. Indeed, the ambivalent desire and subjective misrecognition that lay at the heart of historical writing about colonialism and racism have tended to frame the issues of monstrosity and exclusion that produced the creole as part and parcel of wider colonial discourses. Thus, the shifting and increasingly unstable inscription of the creole figure echoes, in a certain sense, certain critical ambiguities of politics and temporality that color the colonial encounter and its aftermath. Specifically, in the contemporary English- and French-speaking Caribbean, the multiplicity, displacement, and creative instability that undergird creole-driven theories of postcolonial performance have supplanted this category's suspect beginnings as colonialism's model for the fearfully unnameable and unplaceable hybrid monstrosity, and now increasingly shape the substance of much of the artistic and creative work emerging from the region." --The Author