Proposes that civilizational analysis has yet to fully address the colonial legacy and, to clarify the stakes at play, compares and contrasts the historical sociology of CLR James with the mytho-poetics of Derek Walcott. Both authors, in different ways, have attempted to endow that quintessentially un-civilizable body -- the New World slave -- with subjecthood.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
365 p, Discussion of the experience of blackness and cultural difference, black political mobilization, and state responses to Afro-Latin activism throughout Latin America. Its thematic organization and holistic approach set it apart as the most comprehensive and up-to-date survey of these populations and the issues they face currently available.
"Traces the history of Haitian classical or "learned" music from the eighteenth century to the middle of the twentieth century by examining the state's role as a patron to the arts, the development of the educational system, the call for a national Haitian music in the early twentieth century, and individual composer's biographies." (author)
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
239 p., Since 1492, the distinct cultures, peoples, and languages of four continents have met in the Caribbean and intermingled in wave after wave of post-Columbian encounters, with foods and their styles of preparation being among the most consumable of the converging cultural elements. This book traces the pathways of migrants and travelers and the mixing of their cultures in the Caribbean from the Atlantic slave trade to the modern tourism economy.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
80 p., Contents: Part One. Creolization: Definitions -- Patterns of Creolization: The whites ; The slaves ; Socialization ; Imitation; Creative ambivalence ; cultural censors ; Submerged mothers ; speech ; Style ; Sex and amorous influences -- The Plural Continuum: Whole and partial societies ; Effects ; The plural society model ; The orientation model ; Alternatives -- Part Two. Cultural Diversity: Overview: The legacy of slavery ; The song and dance of emancipation ; Maroonage -- Europeans -- An analytical diversion -- Afro-Caribbeans: The Afro-Caribbean tradition ; Birth customs ; Markets and food ; Social life and activity -- Post-emancipation complications -- The Chinese -- East Indians -- Inter-culturation: The Indo-creole ; New cultural signals -- Contradictory omens -- Contradictory models.
Addresses the place of Carnival in the creation of a national cultural narrative in Trinidad and Tobago and examines the role that such a narrative plays in the formation of a coherent national cultural identity