Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 107 Document Number: C10126
search from AgEcon., American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, August 2-5, 1998, Salt Lake City, Utah. 5 pages; Adobe Acrobat PDF 18K bytes, Selected Paper Session SP - 6R Adoption of Technology in Developing Countries Abstract/Description: These
papers move beyond the questions of who adopts technologies to ask how preferences for characteristics (of maize in Mexico or cattle in Burkina Faso) affect adoption and how technical change differentially affects semi-subsistence farmers and how it affects productivity and yield variability. Modeling the Impacts of Soil Conservation on Productivity and Yield Variability: Evidence From a Heteroskedastic Switching Regression Gerald Shively, Purdue University Selecting Genetic Traits for Cattle Improvement: Preservation of Disease Resistant Cattle in Africa Kouadio Tano, University of Abidjan; Merle Faminow, University of Manitoba Variety Characteristics and the Land Allocation Decisions of Farmers in a Center of Maize Diversity Melinda Smale, Maricio Bellon, and Alfonso Aguirre The Distributional Impacts of Farm Policy in Semi-subsistence Agriculture Garth Holloway and Nermin Akyil, AERI
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C36163
Notes:, Pages 209-220 in Bruce Girard (ed.), The one to watch: radio, new ICTs and interactivity, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. 243 pages. In collaboration with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Geneva Office and Communication for Development Group, Extension, Education and Communication Service, Research, Extension and Training Division, Sustainable Development Department. 243 pages.
Waters-Bayer, Ann (author), Wettasinha, Chesha (author), and Van Veldhuizen, Laurens (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C29860
Pages 144-150 in Ian Scoones and John Thompson (eds.), Farmer First revisited: innovation for agricultural research and development. Practical Action Publishing, Warwickshire, U.K. 357 pages.