African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
317 p, Contents: English versions with some translations. A true and exact history of the island of Barbadoes (extract) / Richard Ligon -- The spectator, no. 11 / Richard Steele -- From The spectator, no. 11. The story of Inkle and Yarico / Frances Seymour -- An epistle from Yarico to Inkle, after he had sold her for a slave / Frances Seymour -- Yarico to Inkle, an epistle / William Pattison -- From The spectator, no. 11. The story of Inkel and Yarico / Anonymous -- Yarico to Inkle : an epistle / Anonymous -- From The spectator, no. 11. Avaro and Amanda , a poem in four canto's / Stephen Duck -- From The spectator, no. 11. Yarico's epistle to Inkle / John Winstanley -- Continuation of the story of Inkle and Yarico / Salomon Gessner -- Yarico to Inkle : an epistle / Edward Jerningham -- Epistle from Yarico to Inkle / Anonymous -- Yarico to Inkle / [Peter Pindar] -- Inkle and Yarico : an opera, in three acts / George Colman the Younger -- The American heroine : a pantomime in three acts / Jean-Francois Arnould-Mussot -- Yarico to Inkle / Charles James Fox -- Epistle from Yarico to Inkle (extract) / Anna Maria Porter
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
422 p., A study of the politics of race, culture and identity among Garinagu in Honduras. Garinagu are a people of African and Amerindian descent deported by the British from St. Vincent to Central America in 1797. Within Honduras, they have been racially interpellated as “black” in contradistinction to the dominant mestizo, understood as the product of the racial-cultural fusion between the European and the Indian. Anthropological studies have failed to substantially investigate the relationship between Garinagu and the mestizo-dominated society and state. They have also neglected the construction of racial-cultural identity among Garinagu themselves.