Peek, Philip M. (Editor) and Yankah, Kwesi (Editor)
Book, Section
Publication Date:
New York: Routledge
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
593 p, Written by an international team of experts, this is the first work of its kind to offer comprehensive coverage of folklore throughout the African continent. Includes Maureen Warner Lewis' "Caribbean verbal arts."
1 page., Features organization and goals of a network of agricultural journalists in Africa: Media for Environmental and Agricultural Development (MEAD).
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 95 Document Number: C07398
INTERPAKS, Mimeographed, 1984. Washington, D.C.: Agricultural Sector, Eastern and Western African Projects, World Bank. 28 p., Summarizes the papers presented at the African Workshop on Extension and Research. Topics discussed include the role of agricultural extension in sub-Saharan Africa, issues concerning current methodologies, and approaches to extension and research-extension linkages. The final section presents an overview of individual country experiences with extension. The countries represented were Kenya, Zambia, Nigeria, Malawi, Somalia, and Zimbabwe.
Arthur,John A. (Author), Takougang,Joseph (Author), and Owusu,Thomas Y. (Author)
Book, Whole
Publication Date:
Lanham, MD: Lexington Books
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
326 p, Four overarching themes underscore the essays in this book. These are the creation of African diaspora community and institutional structures; the structured and shared relationships among African immigrants, host, and homeland societies; the construction and negotiation of diaspora spaces, and domains (racial, ethnic, class consciousness, including identity politics; and finally African migrant economic integration, occupational, and labor force roles and statuses and impact on host societies.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Searching for promised lands: conceptualization of the African diaspora in migration / John A. Arthur, Joseph Takougang and Thomas Owusu -- The role of Ghanaian immigrant associations in Canada / Thomas Owusu -- Identity formation and integration among bicultural immigrant Blacks / Msia Kibona Clark -- Identity politics of Ghanaian immigrants in the Greater Cincinnati area: emerging geography and sociology of immigrant experiences / Ian E. A. Yeboah -- Reconciling multiple Black identities: the case of 1.5 and 2.0 Nigerian immigrants / Janet T. Awokoya -- Making in-roads: African immigrants and business opportunities in the United States / Joseph Takougang and Bassirou Tidjani -- Geography of globalized nursing markets: Zimbabwean migrant nurse trajectory and work experiences in the United Kingdom / Ian E. A. Yeboah and Tatenda T. Mambo -- Relationships among Blacks in the diaspora: African and Caribbean immigrants and American-born Blacks / Nemata Blyden -- Conceptualizing the attitudes of African Americans towards United States immigration policies / John A. Arthur -- African immigrant relationships with homeland countries / Mojúbàolú Olúfúnké Okome -- African women in the new diaspora: transnationalism and the (re)creation of home / Mary Johnson Osirim -- Border questions in African diaspora literature / Hilary Chala Kowino -- Modeling the determinants of voluntary reverse migration flows and repatriations of African immigrants / John A. Arthur -- Africans in global migration: still searching for promised lands / John A. Arthur and Thomas Owusu.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C22077
Pages 3-13 in Charles Okigbo and Festus Eribo (eds.), Development and communication in Africa. Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc., Lanham, Maryland. 249 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C36163
Notes:, Pages 209-220 in Bruce Girard (ed.), The one to watch: radio, new ICTs and interactivity, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. 243 pages. In collaboration with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Geneva Office and Communication for Development Group, Extension, Education and Communication Service, Research, Extension and Training Division, Sustainable Development Department. 243 pages.