African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
358 p, Contents: From A true and exact history of the island of Barbados (1657) /; Richard Ligon --; From Jamaica viewed (1661) /; Edmund Hickeringill --; From Friendly advice to the gentlemen-planters of the East and West Indies (1684) /; Thomas Tryon --; Trip to Jamaica (1698) /; Edward Ward --; Speech made by a Black of Guardaloupe (1709) /; Anonymous --; Speech of Moses Bon Saam (1735) /; Anonymous --; From The speech of Mr. John Talbot Campo-bell (1736) /; Robert Robertson --; Story of Inkle and Yarico and An epistle from Yarico to Inkle, after he had left her in slavery (1738) /; Frances Seymour --; Poems from Caribbeana (1741) /; The "Ingenious Lady" of Barbados --; Sugar cane: a poem, in four books (1764) /; James Grainger --; From A general description of the West-Indian islands (1767) /; John Singleton --; "Carmen, or, an Ode," in Edward Long's A history of Jamaica (1774) /; Francis Williams --; From Jamaica, a poem, in three parts (1777) /; Anonymous.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
211 p, Contents: Introduction: Historicising 'Woman' and Slavery -- Black Women and the Political Economy of Slavery -- Property Rights in Pleasure: marketing Black Women's Sexuality -- Phibbah's Price: A black 'wife' for Thomas Thisleewood -- White women and freedom -- Fenwick's Fortune: A White Woman's West India Dream -- A Governor's Wife's Tale: Lady Nugent's "Blackies" -- A Planter's Wife's Tale: Mrs. Carmichael's Pro-Slavery Discourse -- Old Doll's Daughters: Flight from Bondage and Blackness -- An Economic Life of Their Own: Enslaved Women as Entrepreneurs -- Taking Liberties: Enslaved Women and Anti-Slavery Politics -- Historicising Slavery in Caribbean Feminism.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1 videocassette (24 min.), Documents the history of the Cimarrones, the few African slaves who escaped from the Spanish conquistadores to live in freedom in Peru. Reenacts an incident that took place on May 8, 1808, when one band of Cimarrones ambushed a caravan of Spaniards on the way to execute two slave prisoners.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
177 p, "Una de las paradojas reclacitrantes del Código Negro francés (1685) es que hasta hoy no ha sido traducido íntegramente a la lengua castellana.En tiempos de depreciación y agravio de los derechos humanos elementales (orientados ahora hacia las minorías étnicas y los migrantes),parece oportuno y hasta necesario dar a conocer algunos comentariosy apreciaciones críticas sobre este "¡sobervio ejemplar de perversidad!",donde los esclavos negros son considerados -con increíble cinismo- poco menos que bestias." (;