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2. Assessment of socio-economic characteristics that determine farmers’ access to agricultural extension services in Eastern Cape, South Africa
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Loki, O. (author), Aliber, A. (author), and Sikweli, M.M. (author)
- Format:
- Journal article
- Publication Date:
- 2021-04-26
- Published:
- South Africa: Academy of Science of South Africa
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 204 Document Number: D12352
- Journal Title:
- South African Journal of Agricultural Extension
- Journal Title Details:
- Issue 49(1)
- Notes:
- 12 pages., The study reported on in this paper investigated smallholder farmers’ access to extension services. The study sought to distinguish the varying degrees of access to services of smallholder farmers engaged in different production systems, that is, home gardening, field cropping, and livestock production. The study was conducted in Raymond Mhlaba Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape, specifically in two communities, namely Ngcabasa and Phathikhala villages. Research activities included a survey of 100 farmers as well as focus group discussions. Employing logistic regression analysis, the study aimed to understand what influences whether or not a smallholder farmer accesses extension. The study also used various types of comparative statistics (T-test) to assess the implications of access to extension support, for instance for production and farm income. The main findings of the study were that 68% of the farming households interviewed in Ngcabasa and 71% of those in Phathikhala had access to extension services. Farmers who had access to extension had more farm income in both enterprises compared to those who had no access to extension services. From the regression analysis, farmers who were more likely to receive extension support appeared to be those who were older, those with less education, and those farming with livestock.
3. Impact of agricultural credit access on agricultural productivity among maize and rice smallholder farmers in Rwanda
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Taremwa, Nathan Kanuma (author), Macharia, Ibrahim (author), Bett, Eric (author), and Majiwa, Eucabeth (author)
- Format:
- Journal article
- Publication Date:
- 2021-04-02
- Published:
- Poland: University of Life Sciences in Poznań
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 206 Document Number: D12860
- Journal Title:
- Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development
- Journal Title Details:
- Vol. 59, N.1
- Notes:
- 20 pages, This paper assesses the impact of access to agricultural credit on the agricultural productivity of 422 smallholder farmers that cultivate maize or rice in the Western and Eastern province of Rwanda. Stratified, simple random and convenience sampling techniques were used to sample districts, sectors, cells and households. Data were collected using structured interviews and analyzed using propensity score matching techniques. Results indicated that productivity was higher by 44% among the farmers who accessed credit implying that they harvested on average an extra 440 kilograms of maize or rice. According to a crop-specific analysis, agricultural credit access had a more significant impact on maize productivity, with a difference in proportion of 68% (p = 0.000) but had no impact on rice productivity (p = 0.149). The study concludes that agricultural credit was important for Rwanda’s agricultural productivity. Thus policy measures should aim at improving smallholder farmers’ access to agricultural credit and promoting the use of modern agricultural inputs, particularly among rice farmers in Rwanda
4. Do icts boost agricultural productivity?
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Zhu, Qiubo (author), Bai, Junfei (author), Peng, Chao (author), and Zhu, Chen (author)
- Format:
- Journal article
- Publication Date:
- 2020-11
- Published:
- China: China Economist
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 203 Document Number: D12263
- Journal Title:
- China Economist
- Journal Title Details:
- Vol.15, No.6
- Notes:
- 18 pages, Based on panel data from the Rural Fixed Point Survey of the Ministry of Agriculture over the period 2004-2016 and supplementary survey data on information and communications technology (ICT) applications in the countryside, this paper employs the difference in differences (DID) method to analyze the effects of ICT applications on rural households’ agricultural total factor productivity (TFP) with mobile phone signal, internet and 3G mobile network connections as indicators, and decomposes and evaluates the constituent factors. Our findings reveal a positive effect of ICTs on rural households’ TFP, which primarily stemmed from rising agricultural technical efficiency. However, ICTs exerted no significant effect on agricultural technical progress during this paper’s data period due to limited rural human capital. These findings are consistent with robustness test results based on counterfactual and matching methods.
5. Participation in agricultural extension and labor productivity: a case study of smallholder farmers in Ghana
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Anang, Benjamin Tetteh (author) and Ayambila, Sylvester Nsobire (author)
- Format:
- Journal article
- Publication Date:
- 2020-07
- Published:
- Germany: CENTMA Research
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 205 Document Number: D12697
- Journal Title:
- International Journal on Food System Dynamics
- Journal Title Details:
- Vol. 11, N. 3
- Notes:
- 10 pages, Low agricultural productivity remains one of the main factors influencing poverty and food insecurity among smallholder farmers in many developing countries. Among the key interventions assumed to influence agricultural productivity of smallholders is the provision of agricultural extension services to farmers. Access to agricultural extension however remains low in most developing countries thus slowing down agricultural productivity growth. This study therefore sought to determine the labor productivity effects of agricultural extension in northern Ghana using data from a cross-section of 300 smallholder farm households. The results of a binary probit model indicated that participation in agricultural extension increased with farming experience, farm size, access to irrigation and group membership but decreased with years of formal education and household size. Regression estimates of a labor productivity model revealed a positive and statistically significant relationship between agricultural extension and labor productivity. Also, labor productivity increased with farming experience, household income, access to irrigation, degree of specialization in production and the level of conventional inputs used per man-day of labor but decreased with participation in off-farm work. The authors recommend an increase in agricultural extension coverage to ensure that more farmers are reached with information on modern technologies to enhance their labor productivity. Furthermore, farmers need access to inputs such as seed and fertilizer to improve the productivity of labor.
6. The contribution of the University of California Cooperative Extension to California's agricultural production
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Chatterjee, Diti (author), Dinar, Ariel (author), Gonzalez-Rivera, Gloria (author), and University of California
- Format:
- Online journal article
- Publication Date:
- 2019-08-22
- Published:
- United States: Taylor & Francis
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 109 Document Number: D10976
- Journal Title:
- The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension
- Journal Title Details:
- 25(5) : 443-467
- Notes:
- 26 pages, via online journal, Purpose This paper is concerned with the impact of the University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) on regional productivity in California agriculture. UCCE is responsible for agricultural research and development (R&D), and dissemination of agricultural know-how in the state. Method/methodology/approach We estimate the effect of UCCE on county-level agricultural productivity for the years 1992–2012, using an agricultural production function with measures of agricultural extension inputs alongside the traditional agricultural production inputs at the county level. Findings Results show a positive impact of UCCE through its stock of depreciated expenditures. For an additional dollar spent on UCCE expenditures stock, agricultural productivity, measured as value of sales at the county level, improves by $1–9 per acre of farmland for knowledge/expenditure depreciation rates between 0 and 20 percent. Practical implications Results suggest that county differences in productivity could affect extension expenditures. The high level of contribution found in the results would be especially useful during a period of political pressure to reduce public spending for agricultural extension in the state. Theoretical implications Theoretical implications suggest that agricultural systems with higher level of knowledge depreciation are associated with higher resulting incremental agricultural productivity per an additional dollar spent on UCCE expenditures stock. This suggests that extension policy should consider also the agricultural system (crop mix). Originality We use original budgetary data that was collected especially for answering our research questions from archives of UCCE. We estimate impact of extension at the county level in California, on the value of agricultural sales (of crops and livestock). We developed an extension expenditure stock, using current and past expenditures data, and different depreciation rates, following the theory of Knowledge Production Function.
7. Guardians of science: journals and journal editors in the agricultural sciences
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Lacy, William B. (author) and Busch, Lawrence (author)
- Format:
- Journal article
- Publication Date:
- 1982
- Published:
- UK: Wiley-Blackwell
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 206 Document Number: D12898
- Journal Title:
- Rural Sociology
- Journal Title Details:
- Vol. 47, N.3
- Notes:
- 21 pages, This paper examines (1) the role of professional journals in research and (2) the perceived criteria for journal publication in the sciences utilizing national surveys of agricultural journal editors and agricultural scientists in thirteen disciplines. Results indicate that agricultural scientists view professional journals as the most important published resource in their research, the major outlet for their findings, and a key criterion in their choice of research problems. In addition, both journal editors and scientists generally agree that scientists' submitted articles are primarily judged against the normative criteria of scientific craftsmanship rather than by particularistic standards. The most important criterion for journal publication as seen by both editors and scientists is the value of the author's findings to the field. However, unlike other scientists, agricultural scientists appear to associate this universalistic criterion of value to the field with (1) the potential contribution of the article to increased agricultural productivity and (2) the value of the article's findings to clientele groups. Furthermore, these two criteria of productivity and clientele needs that stress the practical value of the research are more important for publishing decisions among journals reporting applied emphases and to scientists in applied disciplines.
8. USDA farmers' adoption of new technology is the dominant factor in increasing agriculture's productivity
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- USDA news release (author)
- Format:
- Online article
- Publication Date:
- unknown
- Published:
- AgriMarketing
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 209 Document Number: D13560
- Notes:
- 1 page