21 Pages, Visual messaging is becoming the new avenue to connect with consumers. The majority of the American public is not connected with agriculture and often questions procedures, practices, and tactics within the industry. Practitioners and researchers have suggested value congruent messages, a type of emotional appeal, may increase attention to agricultural messages. However, limited research has been conducted to define and investigate value congruent messages in agricultural communications. The purpose of this study was to describe the presented messages in videos used in one agricultural advocacy effort, CommonGround’s “Nothing to Fear Here” campaign. This content analysis described the video’s message content and use of value congruent messages. Schwartz Theory of Basic Human Values (2012) was used to identify the values present in each video within the campaign. The values of benevolence, security, self-direction, universalism, and hedonism were common values displayed in the campaign. Message sensation value was calculated, and it was found the videos had moderate levels of emotional arousal. The primary characters in the videos were mothers, farmers, and children. More research should be conducted to explore how the value congruent messages and message sensation value interact to increase a receiver’s level of attitude change after viewing the message.
Online from publisher via subscription., Instagram-ready installations often frame the desert as austere. What are the alternative ways of looking at the land? Author invites engaging with the reality of the desert rather than the cartoon of it.
19 pgs., When it comes to food, consumers are increasingly concerned with the welfare of the livestock used to produce it. To display transparency and build trust with patrons, businesses such as The Maschhoffs, a pork production company, have created online tools to answer questions about production processes. This study implemented eye tracking and survey methodologies to attain insight regarding the visual attention of website visitors. While results revealed no discernable pattern of navigation among respondents, the findings illustrated a sector of the pork industry consumers expressed interest in was the breed-to-wean section of the farm. Researchers encourage agricultural communicators to develop messaging surrounding this specific process to continue building trust with consumer audiences as well as make recommendations for utilizing eye tracking to assess visual attention to websites.
Online from publisher. 12 pages., Set of photographs taken by Jim Patrico, 2020 AAEA Photo of the Year winner. "...a superb example of visual storytelling. There isn't a weak photo in the bunch."
4 pages, via Online journal, Since late Mar. 2020, many universities halted normal operations due to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Although extension uses many different techniques to educate consumers, it has been slow to grasp the power of social media. Faced with a dilemma of using digital methods instead of in-person field days, short courses, and workshops, Twitter was a viable alternative, especially for broad audience engagement. Tweet threads were posted on Twitter every Monday morning from 6 Apr. to 8 June 2020. Each thread consisted of 10 tweets. A hashtag #YardFruits was used to start the thread and for later reference. For the first nine threads only one fruit species was discussed per thread. The final thread consisted of single tweets of several species. Engagement percentage did not differ over time but did differ among the crop species. Tweets that did not include a photo received less engagement (2.7%) than those that did include a photo (4.7%). My Twitter account saw a 6.5% increase in followers during the series. Grape (Vitis sp.), passion fruit (Passiflora sp.), fig (Ficus carica), and pear (Pyrus communis) threads had the least engagement and were different from the Other Fruits thread. All other threads were similar. Extension educators can grow their influence by using well-targeted, focused tweets and tweet threads, especially those that use hashtags and photos.
Littlefield, Joanne (author / Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D11942
PowerPoint visuals from webinar presented to the Society of Agricultural Communication Scholars on October 26, 2020. 16 pages., Presentation featuring techniques and principles of incorporating visual communication into agricultural communication teaching and research efforts.
USA: Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D11974
1 page, Online from publisher website., Poster features 11 hand signals developed by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers to enhance communication and promote farm safety.
UI Library subscription., Report about a National AgriMarketing Association award-winning docudrama, "30 Harvests." It was produced for the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers in Action (USFRA) organization to encourage food companies to join with agriculture in the battle against climate change. Describes the origin and production of this film, as well as the planning for a paid media budget by USFRA and the CLUTCH consultancy/agency, Minneapolis, Minnesota.