Online from the publisher, Findings of a recent national telephone survey by the National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) indicated that most farmer respondents (71 percent) are listening to radio, and during an average of 4.7 days a week. The findings indicated that 65 percent listen to AM radio, 53 percent to FM radio, and less than 20 percent to satellite radio. Most radio listening takes place while driving or operating farm equipment, 82 percent while driving a pickup and 64 percent while operating farm equipment.
USA: National Association of Farm Broadcasting, Platte City, Missouri
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 166 Document Number: D11678
2 pages., Online from publisher., Brief summary of responses to a non-probability email survey among U.S. farmers and ranchers regarding COVID-19 and its ramifications on their livelihoods and farm-radio listening habits. Findings indicated that respondents "are listening to farm radio during the pandemic for timely, accurate news. Responses averaged 8.7-8.8 (scale of 1 [poor] to 10 [excellent] in terms of timeliness, accuracy and credibility of farm broadcaster delivering farm news, weather, markets and ag information.
International: Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, ACP-EU, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 153 Document Number: D11614
3 pages., Online from publisher., Author addresses "large gap between African extension services ... and the number of farmers being reached." ... "Africa's existing mobile network (currently the second biggest mobile market in the world) could be better utilised to bridge this gap and provide mobile-based agricultural information, advice and support to smallholder farmers."
7 pages., via online journal., Climate services entail providing timely and tailored climate information to
end-users in order to facilitate and improve decision-making processes.
Climate services are instrumental in socio-economic development and
benefit substantially from interdisciplinary collaborations, particularly
when including Early Career Researchers (ECRs). This commentary
critically discusses deliberations from an interdisciplinary workshop
involving ECRs from the United Kingdom and South Africa in 2017, to
discuss issues in climate adaptation and climate services development in
water resources, food security and agriculture. Outcomes from the
discussions revolved around key issues somewhat marginalized within
the broader climate service discourse. This commentary discusses what
constitutes “effective” communication, framings (user framings, mental
models, narratives, co-production) and ethical dimensions in developing
climate services that can best serve end-users. It also reflects on how
ECRs can help tackle these important thematic areas and advance the
discourse on climate services.