9 pages, This study examines the labour of small-scale farmers during ploughing and develops a power tiller with the view of reducing the hardness of work and increasing the field operation capacity. The machine is designed and fabricated based on standard engineering principles for part-sizing and selection of materials. It is tested and the performance results obtained are compared to manual ploughing. Performance parameters were determined from fieldwork and laboratory experiments. The average depth, width of cut and operation speed were 14.84 cm, 24.56 cm and 3.48 km/h, respectively for power tiller compared with 10.62 cm, 18.97 cm and 0.49 km/h, respectively for manual ploughing. Average field efficiency and theoretical field capacity were 88.23%, and 0.096 ha/h, respectively for the power tiller compared with 96%, and 0.0136 ha/h for manual ploughing. Fuel consumption revealed for power tiller is 1.99 l/h. The field capacity of the machine was 0.075 ha/h which was higher than 0.013 ha/h for manual ploughing. The results show that the machine is suitable for small-scale farmers. Economic assessment of the power tiller is work to be done.
The Purdue University-CME Group Ag Economy Barometer improved in April to a reading of 121, which was 8 points higher than a month earlier. Despite this month’s increase, the ag sentiment index remains 32% lower than its April 2021 reading. This month’s modest rise in the barometer was attributable to an improvement in ag producers’ perspective on their current situation as well as what they expect for the future. The Index of Current Conditions rose 7 points to a reading of 120 while the Index of Future Expectations rose 9 points to an index value of 122. Similar to the barometer, both the current conditions and future expectations indices remain well below year ago levels. Ongoing strength in commodity prices appeared to be responsible for the modest sentiment improvement, although producers’ concerns about both rising input costs and their difficulties in procuring inputs continues to hold back sentiment. The Purdue University-CME Group Ag Economy Barometer sentiment index is calculated each month from 400 U.S. agricultural producers’ responses to a telephone survey. This month’s survey was conducted from April 18-22, 2022.
Online from publication. 2 pages., Report about the experience of NAFB member Ben Nuelle in performing as pianist at two occasions in the White House during the recent Christmas season.
Online from publication. 7 pages., Merchandiser of fresh produce explains how theater events in a produce department can create fun and excitement and can make memorable impressions on customers.
9 pages, Financial performance benchmarks were estimated on the basis of samples of successful Northeast fruit and vegetable producers classified by primary local foods market channel. Comparisons across farm stores, large urban farmers' markets, and intermediated market channels were conducted for the purpose of identifying key differences in human and financial resource requirements. The benchmarks provide data useful for assisting individual farmers in assessing their performances and new and beginning farmers in identifying appropriate market channels for their businesses. Additionally, the benchmarks provide a rich source of information for use by Extension educators in developing programming around local foods marketing opportunities and business planning.
17 pages, via online journal, Prior research has indicated that the incorporation of computer-based peer review into writing instruction increases student engagement, improves student performance, and increases student perceptions of self-efficacy. This study used a quasi-experimental untreated control group design to examine the impact of computer-based peer review on student performance and perceived self-efficacy in an undergraduate agricultural graphic design course. The impact of participation in computer-based peer review on performance scores was investigated using a MANOVA. After two rounds of peer review, students improved their overall course performance by one-half letter grade. Perceptions of self-efficacy were further analyzed using a one-way repeated measures ANOVA. Most (54.17%) students who participated in the computer-based peer review process reported increases in perceived self-efficacy in graphic design. The findings from this study indicate the benefits of computer-based peer review extend to instruction in graphic design courses.
8 pages., via online journal., This study seeks to explore the influence of forms of communication on the performance of field workers in Finlay Flowers Kericho, focusing on the Communication process and quality management in flower production. The study was conducted at Finlay Flowers one of the leading producer of cut flowers in Kenya. A total of 145 respondents were selected from a population of 1,175 interacting groups comprising of middle level managers and field workers. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaires and an interview schedule and collected data was analysed using Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). Findings revealed that all forms of communications had influence on performance of field staff with demonstrations appearing to be more influential in this regard. This is attributed to the fact that demonstration is a consultative event where the management directly involves the employees and advice on the specifications or product requirements. In conclusion, main driver of performance as revealed by the findings of the study meaningful communication process; senior management communication style, supportive work environment and line management style. Based on the findings, the study recommends that in order to improve performance, demonstration as a form of communication should be encouraged, as workers need detailed information on how to conduct their duties especially when handling the produce, also the use of interactive methods as forms of passing messages will help in improving production efficiency.
20 pages., via online journal., What happens when one controversial text meets another in performance? How do diverse audiences from rural and metropolitan areas respond to powerful yet provocative material? The Kennesaw State University Department of Theatre and Performance Studies sought to answer these questions with Splittin’ the Raft, a dramatic adaptation of Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as interpreted by ex-slave and abolitionist Frederick Douglass. Funded by the National Endowment for
the Arts, the ensemble toured seven North Georgia communities, ranging from inner-city schools to rural mountain towns. The struggles faced and the conversations encountered prove the
lasting legacy of American slavery. Socially engaged theatre can create a unique forum for constructive dialogue within communities. This article highlights the healing conversations inspired by this student production and explores some widely contrasting responses to renovated slave dwellings in two Georgia communities, Oxford and Sautee Nacoochee.