13 pages, Dry cow management practices influence on health, welfare and milk production of cows. Poor farmer–cow relationship and negative attitudes of the farmer on humane practices will reduce cow welfare and overall productivity. In this study, farmers’ attitudes on key dry cow management practices and welfare were observed using a questionnaire in a face to face interview with forty dairy farmers in Kandy District, Sri Lanka. Collected data were statistically analyzed using SPSS version 23.0. The majority of the farmers were men (77.5%), whereas small-scale farming (87.5%) with part-time involvement (72.5%) were noticed. Critical risk factors of dry cow welfare such as no higher satisfaction about the industry (74.3%), poor awareness on concept of animal welfare (10%), hoof caring (42.5%), inspection of teats (10%), and deworming (30%) were identified. Male farmers were better than females in welfare-friendly attitudes for health (P = 0.033) and calving management (P = 0.018). Part-time farmers also had a significant impact on welfare positive attitudes towards calving and health management practices (P = 0.038, P = 0.013 respectively). Considerable percentage of farmers were uncertain on (Health management – 10.8%, Housing management – 18.8%, Feeding management – 15.0%, and Calving management – 5.6%) welfare-friendly routine. Hence, we suggest, further improvement to positive welfare attitudes towards dry cow management should be targeted via proper knowledge dissemination and education programs.
9pgs, This study was conducted to identify the agricultural extension needs of women farmers and to assess the impact of their participation in agricultural extension programs on vegetable production in the area. A sample of 145 women farmers from five Grama Niladhari (GN) divisions of the DS division was randomly selected for the study. Data were collected from a researcher administered survey and analyzed using descriptive statistics and a regression analysis. As per the results, a significant number of the women farmers have
participated in most of the extension and training programs. However, some of them haven’t registered in the farmer organization present in the area. Agricultural extension agents of the area have focused on dissemination of more information regarding modern farming technologies, organic farming, application of agrochemicals and fertilizers, and improving market systems. The majority of women farmers have
used the knowledge received from the extension programs in vegetable farming activities. Furthermore, there is a significant and positive relationship between participation in extension programs by women farmers and an increase in vegetable production. Therefore, encouragement of women farmers to register in the farmer organization, provision of timely important extension service to them, organizing training programs, and workshops to disseminate agricultural information are crucial to further enhancement of vegetable production in this area.
Madushanka, L.S. (author), Weerasinghe, K.S. (author), Weerakkody, W.J.S.K. (author), and Department of Plantation Management, Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila (NWP), Sri Lanka
ICT Center, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila (NWP), Sri Lanka
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Sri Lanka: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 162 Document Number: D08140
16th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions, ICTer 2016; Jetwing BlueNegombo; Sri Lanka; 1 September 2016 through 3 September 2016; Category numberCFP1686L-ART; Code 126111. Article number 7829902, pp. 80-86
Jayasinghe, J.A.S.S. (author), Hewagamage, K.P. (author), and Department of Information Technology, CINEC Campus, IT Park, Malabe, Sri Lanka
University of Colombo School of Computing, 35, Reid Avenue, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Sri Lanka: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 162 Document Number: D08141
article number 7829901, pp. 72-79, 16th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions, ICTer 2016; Jetwing BlueNegombo; Sri Lanka; 1 September 2016 through 3 September 2016; Category numberCFP1686L-ART; Code 126111
9 pages., Via online journal., In a world where the notion of ‘sharing of knowledge’ has been gained much prominence in the recent past, the importance of information and communications technologies (ICTs) to promote sustainable agriculture, especially when combined with mobile and open source software technologies is discussed critically. On this rationale, this study was carried out to explore the applicability of the concept of converging ‘Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)’ to promote sustainable knowledge sharing amongst the agricultural communities in Sri Lanka. A multi-stage community consultative process with a set of designated officials (“Sponsors”) and a series of semi-structured questionnaire survey with a cross section of smallholder agriculture farmers (n=246), were carried out in the Batticaloa, Kurunegala and Puttalam districts to gather the baseline data. This was followed by a number of field experiments (“Campaigns”) with the farmers (n=340) from same geographical areas. The two FOSS, namely: (1) “FrontlineSMS” for ‘Text Messaging’ and (2) “FreedomFone” for ‘Interactive Voice Responses’, were applied to evaluate the effectiveness of knowledge sharing within the farming communities. It was found that FOSS intervention increases the ‘Text messaging’ and ‘Voice Call’ usage in day-to-day agricultural communication by 26 and 8 percent, respectively. The demographic factors like age and income level of the farmers has positively influence on the knowledge sharing process. And also the ‘Mobile Telephony’ was the most extensive mode of communication within the communities. The outcome of analysis, as a whole, implies that, with a fitting mechanism in place, this approach can be promoted as a “drive for positive changes” in agriculture-based rural communities in developing countries like Sri Lanka, and those in South and East Asia with similar socio-economic and cultural perspectives.
Mashroofa, Mohamed Majeed (author) and Wathmanel Senevirathne (author)
Conference paper
Publication Date:
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, The Hague, Netherlands.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 84 Document Number: D10847
17 pages., via depository, IFLA Library., Access to information plays crucial role in getting best agricultural products with some other factors such as soil, weather, biochemical products and their application. Several types of information are required by farmers of Sri Lanka for agricultural activities. This study focuses on the relationship of information literacy and the enhanced access to agricultural productivity. Therefore, this research aims to determine the information literacy level of paddy farmers of Ampara district in Sri Lanka in accessing agricultural information and explores how much this support the enhanced agricultural productivity. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select sample paddy farmers of Ampara district. 57 farmers were selected as the sample from all nineteen D.S. divisions of Ampara as three from each division. Survey method was used to collect data for this study. Questionnaire and Interview were used as research instruments. District Officer of Agriculture was interviewed and farmers were administered with questionnaires. Result was analyzed mainly quantitatively by using SPSS and Mini Tab. Qualitative analysis is also carried out. This study resulted that majority respondents preferred verbal communication, print sources and the use of computer and internet is reported poor. Communication gap, poor communication services, lack of libraries, lack of information literacy skills, poor infra structure and inadequate extension services might have caused poor access to information. Department of Agriculture under Central government and Agrarian Services Board under provincial ministry serve to these farmers as much as possible to provide information. However the information received by farmers indicated that it is not to the expected level. Therefore, it is concluded that government and local authorities should develop the existing services, information and communication systems to facilitate the farmers to access relevant information on time in order to gain best agricultural productivity. Though the perception of farmers indicates that they are information literate, facts and information related to format, mode and sources they preferred shows that these farmers are not much skilled on information literacy. This study recommends educating the farmers on access to information. Information Literacy should be taught to the farmers from the grass root level.
12 pages., via online journal., This study explores the status of mobile usage among the agriculture community in the North‐Central province of Sri Lanka in relation to interactions with major agriculture stakeholders. The objectives of the study were to study the factors affecting the mobile use by farmers, farmers' willingness to receive agricultural information through mobile communication technology, and awareness on mobile based agriculture information systems. Primary data were collected at two stages using two structured interview schedules (N=390, n=65). According to the findings the access to mobile phone was considerable higher among the study group while age and education had an effect on using a mobile phone. Only a few farmers have yet started using them efficiently for agriculture and other commercial purposes. A considerable number of farmers used the mobile phones to contact input suppliers, buyers, agriculture extension officers and other farmers in the area, mostly those who represent community based organizations.