4pgs, Competitive events represent a major component of 4-H programming. These events are typically held in person; however, unforeseen circumstances, like the COVID-19 pandemic, have required Extension professionals to adapt these programs to virtual settings. This paper outlines some unique features of Qualtrics, a web-based tool commonly used to build surveys, that led Missouri 4-H to use the platform to administer agriculture and natural resource science contests.
5 pages., The Annual Conference for Mississippi State University Extension is the sole event at which the majority of Extension personnel gather for networking, organizational updates, recognition of efforts, and professional development. Extension leaders plan this conference with intended outcomes but without ever evaluating those outcomes beyond attendee satisfaction. We developed an evaluation instrument to determine how certain conference events influence participants’ critical psychological states and ultimately, their perceived motivation, professional enrichment, opportunities for networking, professional accountability, and organizational awareness. Rather than simply assessing attendee satisfaction, this instrument may help inform planning for successive Extension conferences and other professional development events.
6 pages, The quality of beef cattle stockmanship typically is evaluated through quantitative and qualitative measurements of animal behavior. The Stockman's Scorecard is an observation instrument that has been developed to directly measure the actions of beef cattle stockmen. This article documents a pilot project for determining the content validity, internal consistency, and intrarater reliability of the scorecard as an evaluation instrument. Our results show that the scorecard is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring the actions of stockmen. The instrument can be a valuable tool for Extension educators in evaluating their stockmanship programming impacts.
10 pages, The benefits of urban trees are well known; however, tree roots often damage sidewalks, requiring root cutting, tree removal, and sidewalk replacement. We used alternative materials that allowed for tree retention and sidewalk replacement at two sites in northern Utah. From these projects, we developed a plan to help Extension professionals build support for novel urban forestry techniques and tools by forming collaborative partnerships, conducting public and professional outreach, and evaluating public opinions through the use of drop-off/pick-up surveys. Our project highlights the importance of having a proactive outreach plan when conducting Extension programming that involves new practices and products.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 197 Document Number: D09484
Truffle Media Networks LLC, Indianapolis, Indiana. 29 pages., Survey among participants in the agriculture industry in media, ag product companies, agencies, associations, or other.
Denver Research Institute (author / University of Denver)
Publication Date:
International: U..S. Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 193 Document Number: D07236
Hal R. Taylor Collection., Prepared by Denver Research Institute for the Office of Science and Technology, Bureau of Development Support, USAID. 98 pages.
USA: National Project in Agricultural Communications (NPAC), Michigan State University, East Lansing.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 193 Document Number: D07250
Hal R. Taylor Collection, First training workshop of the Visual Unit in the Communication Training Program of NPAC. Ringbinder contains schedule, participant list, group photo, handouts. script for visual communication filmstrip and other resources used in the workshop conducted in East Lansing, Michigan,January 24-February 6, 1960.