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2. Measuring agricultural means of influence on young adults via Instagram in the United States
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Bennett, Samantha (author), Martin, David S. (author), Sawyer, Jason T. (author), Rodning, Soren P. (author), and Mulvaney, Don (author)
- Format:
- Journal article
- Publication Date:
- 2024-08-16
- Published:
- USA: New Prairie Press
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 208 Document Number: D13237
- Journal Title:
- Journal of Applied Communications
- Journal Title Details:
- V.108, Iss.2
- Notes:
- 12 pages, Notable differences have been observed in how society perceives and understands the agricultural industry. Consumers today are concerned with how their food is raised and produced, and drastic changes in how information is gathered regarding those subjects have occurred due to the rapid development of digital media. As a result, the agricultural industry has fallen behind in ensuring accurate information is shared about the daily work done to feed the world. A form of digital media that has infiltrated the daily lives of society is social media (SM). This study sought to evaluate the impact established agricultural social media influencers (SMIs) on Instagram can have on changing participants' perceived knowledge regarding several agricultural topics. Participants were recruited through the platform Prolific and were asked to complete an anonymous Qualtrics survey. Survey questions were asked before and after participants were shown example images of agricultural SMIs. Data collected were analyzed utilizing IBM SPSS (Version 28) to compare pre-image and post-image results to determine the contents' impact on participants' perceived knowledge of subjects relating to agriculture. Results indicated significant differences between the pre-image and post-image perceived knowledge results and between different forms of reported engagement willingness.
3. Primary and secondary school students’ knowledge and perceptions of agriculture
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Manning, Jaime (author), Cosby, Amy (author), McDonald, Nicole (author), and Fogarty, Eloise (author)
- Format:
- Journal article
- Publication Date:
- 2024-06-30
- Published:
- USA: American Association for Agricultural Education
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 208 Document Number: D13263
- Journal Title:
- Journal of Agricultural Education
- Journal Title Details:
- 65(2): 226-240
- Notes:
- 15 pages, Agriculture is a significant contributor to the global economy and critical for future food and fibre production. To maximise the industry efficiencies and improve sustainability, a knowledgeable workforce is essential. Today’s school-aged youth will be the next generation agriculture workforce. However, there is concern that today’s youth are more detached from agriculture than ever before, viewing the industry as an unattractive career prospect and possessing low levels of agricultural literacy. Using a qualitative approach, this research presents the results from an open-response survey item asking Australian primary and secondary students to ‘list three words you think of when you hear the word ‘agriculture’’. Focus groups with Australian primary and secondary teachers were also conducted to explore these findings. Overall, students appear to have what can be described as a conventional understanding of agriculture as it relates to traditional farming, particularly animal production. However, students appeared to have a lower level of understanding and perception of the industry in less-traditional settings, including modern careers and the technologies involved. Improved agricultural education in Australia, including both formal and informal programs on possible career paths and technology adoption in the industry is recommended to support knowledge development of the modern sector to attract the next generation workforce.
4. Offering collegiate livestock judging as a student organization
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Miller, Maryfrances (author), Edgar, Don W. (author), and Logemann, Lyle (author)
- Format:
- Journal article
- Publication Date:
- 2024-05-10
- Published:
- USA: Clemson University Press
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 209 Document Number: D13545
- Journal Title:
- The Journal of Extension
- Journal Title Details:
- 61(4) : Article 5
- Notes:
- 4 pages, Resource constraints have lowered the number of collegiate livestock judging teams, dropping the number of opportunities for collegiate judging, even though interest among students remains high. These opportunities can be provided for less expense through student-led extracurricular organizations. This approach increases the student initiative required, but also provides an increased opportunity for developing and demonstrating leadership skills.
5. Preparing career-ready students by building effective virtual teamwork skills
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Ma, Sihui (author) and Leman, Amy (author)
- Format:
- Manuscript
- Publication Date:
- 2023-07-13
- Published:
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 208 Document Number: D13294
- Journal Title:
- NACTA Journal
- Journal Title Details:
- 67(1) : 167-175
- Notes:
- 9 pages, As the food industry becomes globally connected, it is essential to provide Food Science students with experience working in virtual teams before they enter the workforce. Working in teams virtually brings extra challenge due to a lack of face-to-face interactions. FSHN 230, Professional Issues in Food Science (asynchronously online), provided students the opportunity to practice virtual teamwork skills. Low, medium, and high dosage team projects allowed for experiential learning and practice in virtual teamwork. Team effectiveness (psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning, and impact) was closely monitored using team members’ evaluations of the team at the middle and end of the semester. Students' perceptions of learning were assessed using a survey at the end of the instructional period. Across all teams, students were most likely to report experiencing psychological safety and dependability in their virtual teams and least likely to report experiencing the work as meaningful. Across all teams, students were most likely to perceive the virtual team project as assisting with learning about food science-related careers. As higher education continues to create real-world simulations to teach skills, such as virtual teamwork, more effort may be needed to help students connect classroom activities and career-ready skills to real-world expectations.
6. Reflections on a career as graduate mentor—from baby steps at Wisconsin to today
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Peter J. Hansen (author)
- Format:
- Journal article
- Publication Date:
- 2023-04-29
- Published:
- USA: Oxford University Press
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 209 Document Number: D13555
- Journal Title:
- Journal of Animal Science
- Journal Title Details:
- 101
- Notes:
- 7 pages, Graduate education is an important aspect of the life of most academic scientists and a serious responsibility because it comes with the obligation to help students achieve their career and life goals. It can also be very fulfilling for the graduate mentor in terms of personal satisfaction and advancement of the research program. Learning to be a good major professor is an active process that depends on developing a formal framework of education and modifying that framework for each student based on past experiences and experimentation, advice from colleagues, and the individual personality of the student. Perhaps most important is for the graduate mentor to buy into the success and well-being of the student. Among the characteristics that a major professor could seek to instill in his or her students are critical and independent thinking, self-confidence, a thick skin, teamwork, laboratory skills and understanding, and the ability for hard work. Work to make science joyful by celebrating accomplishments, creating a fun environment in the lab, and stressing the societal value of science as compared to personal rewards or ambition.
7. A review of the application of active learning pedagogies in undergraduate animal science curricula
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Ragland, Elizabeth C. (author), Radcliffe, Scott (author), and Karcher, Elizabeth L. (author)
- Format:
- Journal Article
- Publication Date:
- 2023-01-24
- Published:
- USA: Oxford University Press
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 209 Document Number: D13553
- Journal Title:
- Journal of Animal Science
- Journal Title Details:
- 101
- Notes:
- 6 pages, With most of the student attrition occurring early in undergraduate educational programs (Braunstein et al., 1997) it is necessary to interest and motivate students early on. The demographics of animal science students have shifted to students with minimal background in food producing animals. This presents a unique challenge as the current student population represents a diverse array of backgrounds and prior experiences. As a result, students enroll in undergraduate animal science programs with various expectations for their undergraduate degree and a focus primarily on careers in veterinary medicine. To engage all students, interest and motivation need to be generated. This review will use motivational frameworks as outlined by the self-determination theory, expectancy value theory, and interest, to explain the impact of the proposed solutions. Active learning classroom strategies are linked to increased knowledge compared with traditional, passive classrooms (Wells et al., 2019). Active learning shifts from a traditional teaching model to a student-centered model, which transitions instructors to facilitators of learning. This review summarizes current proposed pedagogies that have been researched in animal science classrooms such as experiential learning, flipped classrooms, hands-on animal experience, undergraduate research experiences, mentorship opportunities, capstone experiences, service-learning experiences, team-based learning, and cooperative learning. The limitations of these proposed pedagogies and the future research needed are also discussed.
8. Undergraduate student attitudes to current poultry industry issues over four semesters: surveying an introductory poultry science course
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Meyer, Meaghan M. (author) and Bobeck, Elizabeth A. (author)
- Format:
- Journal article
- Publication Date:
- 2023-01-13
- Published:
- USA: Oxford University Press
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 209 Document Number: D13554
- Journal Title:
- Journal of Animal Science
- Journal Title Details:
- 101
- Notes:
- 11 pages, Individual background and demographics affect student perceptions of animal production. Understanding how science-based education alters these opinions is a critical aspect of improving university instruction as well as increasing consumer engagement in the poultry industry. The study objectives were to quantify the effects of student background, career interests, and science-based instruction on opinions regarding current issues in the poultry industry. Undergraduate students enrolled in a one semester poultry science course at Iowa State University between 2018 and 2021 were anonymously surveyed at the start and end of the semester as part of a 4-yr study. Students who opted to take the survey answered three demographic questions indicating their 1) livestock experience, 2) sex, and 3) career goals. The body of the survey consisted of 16 “poultry issue statements” where students were directed to mark a vertical dash on a 130 mm horizontal line indicating their level of agreement with each statement. Post-survey collection, the line was separated into 5 sections for discussion: responses within 0%–20% indicated strongly disagree, 21%–40% disagree, 41%–60% neutral, 61%–80% agree, and 81%–100% indicated strongly agree. Responses were analyzed using Proc Mixed in SAS Version 9.4 with a Tukey–Kramer adjustment for all pairwise comparisons using main effects including demographic categories, education (pre- or post-instruction), and year the survey was taken. Responses to various issue statements were affected by students’ livestock experience (P < 0.05; 6 out of 16 statements affected), sex (P < 0.05; 5 out of 16 statements), and ultimate career goals (P < 0.05; 4 out of 16 statements). Pre- vs. post-education responses differed significantly in 6 out of 16 statements (P < 0.05), and in 2 out of 16 poultry issue statements, the year of instruction affected student response (P < 0.05). These data indicate that individual student background, sex, and differing career interests impact opinions of current topics in the broiler and layer industries. Further, science-based education as well as the year the course was taken over consecutive semesters significantly altered student opinions.
9. Connecting today with tomorrow through ALEC
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Davis, Jada (author) and Oros, Ava (author)
- Format:
- Online article
- Publication Date:
- 2022-06-15
- Published:
- College of ACES
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 209 Document Number: D13468
- Notes:
- 3 pages
10. Slow internet limits opportunities for rural New Mexico youth
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Rosenberg, Tamara (author)
- Format:
- Online article
- Publication Date:
- 2022-06-08
- Published:
- The Daily Yonder
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 209 Document Number: D13395
- Notes:
- 5 pages