11 pages, Background: Teenage pregnancy is a major public health concern, especially in low- and middle-income countries, due to various social, economic and cultural influences on teenage girls. These pregnancies prove to have negative long-term effects on the health status of both the mother and the child where there are high risks of further complications and poor nutrition among the pregnant woman and the unborn child.
Methodology: This review combined searches from databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar. The main languages of the included articles were restricted to English, and the themes for the search were limited to teenage pregnancies and child malnutrition. The selection criteria were studies published between 2010 and 2023, and peer-reviewed articles that involved adolescent mothers between the ages of 10-19 years and different child nutrition outcomes.
Results: This study shows that teenage mothers are more likely to suffer some pregnancy complications, such as anaemia, which is made worse by poor maternal diets. These complications result in poor child health outcomes including stunting, wasting and low birth weight. The review revealed influential factors related to teenagers’ pregnancy including poverty, illiteracy, early marriage and unavailability of reproductive health facilities to all. Conversely, high-income countries record fewer incidences of these outcomes owing to improved and enhanced medical care services and social welfare provisions.
Conclusion: Findings from this review underscore issues that require intervention such as; education on the broader aspects of sexual and reproductive health, access to healthcare services, socio-economic empowerment, and addressing cultural factors through community mobilization. The realization of these strategies can greatly enhance maternal and child health outcomes. Future research should incorporate longitudinal designs and employ panel data analysis to investigate other social and economic effects of teenage pregnancy.
14pgs, The World Health Organization (WHO) has used communication methods to promote the international ban of the agricultural pesticides paraquat, glyphosate and chlorpyrifos. This ban has led to misunderstanding among farmers who still use these chemicals, which may be available under different brand names. Communication with the non-scientific community is uncertain leading to miscommunication, especially where scientific language is used. Governments have banned the use of these agricultural chemicals. The scientific arguments are not necessarily understood by famers so they may ignore the prohibition and continue using them or other similar chemicals. This study uses story-telling and qualitative research methods where a questionnaire is combined with the content analytical technique. The quantitative research method was used to collect data in the field where 351 participants took part. Participatory action research is a method where community farmers engaged in self-reflection on the impact of chemicals on their fields, their health and the health of others. Their understanding of the non-chemical usage model and good agricultural practice farmers in the vicinity, especially as they were personally involved in the creation of the media from script preparation, to acting, filming, and evaluating the final docu-dramas. The findings of the docu–drama programmes of 5 GAP farmers are presented to identify the perception of how to avoid using chemicals and their solutions for tangerine farmers through a manual that is the media output from the project and the resulting findings suggesting that the factors related to the effectiveness of scientific communication are divided into pull factors and push factors.
7 pages, Pecans are a heart-healthy food, serving as an excellent source of unsaturated fatty acids, micronutrients, and phytochemicals. Despite rapid growth of the U.S. pecan export in global market, domestic pecan consumption has been stagnating, especially in attracting young consumers. This study seeks to investigate the effectiveness of nutrition education brochure that utilizes two information formats-rich media and traditional media-for promoting nutritional knowledge of pecans among young consumers. The experiment followed a between-subjects 2 x 2 design. Four versions of digital brochures were developed to manipulate two independent variables: video (absent vs. present) and recipe (absent vs. present). The findings indicated that including a video in the digital brochure can help increase consumers’ perceived information quality, and recipe content can help increase consumers' trust in the nutrition information and information source. The results also showed that for consumers with a lower prior knowledge regarding pecans, educational materials including a video were more effective than materials without a video. Such strategies to promote pecan consumption could benefit the pecan industry as well as public health.
5pgs, Attention to stress and mental health among agricultural producers has increased over recent years, and Cooperative Extension has been active in offering educational workshops and resources to agricultural audiences. This article describes the process and effectiveness of expanding two (university) Extension farm stress management programs to Cooperative Extension in other states through a national Farm Stress Management Summit. The two-day training Summit provided deeper knowledge about farm stress issues and prepared Extension professionals to offer behavioral health programs in their own communities and respective states. Evaluation findings highlight effective aspects of the Summit and next steps.
9pgs, The goal of this literature review was to identify evidence-based curricula that support youth mental health with special attention to inclusion of access, equity, and belonging (AEB). Four databases were searched for peer-reviewed articles published between 2010 and 2019 related to youth mental health curricula. A total of 1446 articles were identified, and 171 articles underwent a full-text review. Of the 61 curricula identified, 44% addressed AEB to some extent and 65% showed program effectiveness. Four programs were recommended (Sources of Strength, Teen Mental Health First Aid, Dynamic Mindfulness, and Youth Mental Health First Aid) and eight conditionally recommended.
3 pages, This article provides a brief overview of Farm Dinner Theater (FDT), a novel intervention that positively influences the health and safety behaviors of senior family farmers and their family. The FDT uses principles of adult learning and engages the audience in conversations about their health and safety experiences. The FDT was developed through interdisciplinary community-engaged research and tested using a repeated measures design with 553 intervention and 317 comparison participants. Significant changes were reported and the FDT is now being used by Extension through the use of a toolkit developed by the project.
Online issue. 3 pages., Announces a new core program area, Integrated Health Disparities, in Illinois Extension. Purpose: "To provide leadership and resources in the crusade to address health inequities." Priority issues will include health promotion and education, healthcare access, behavioral health, and community well-being.