13 pages, Online Behavioral Advertising (OBA), a recently emerging format of internet advertising, targets users based on their past online behaviors. This study examines the impact of OBA on consumer attitudes and impulse buying behavior, while exploring the moderating influence of privacy concerns, a crucial factor given that OBA relies on personal data collection. To test our conceptual model, we conducted surveys in Korea and France, to further analyze the potential cultural distinctions. Our findings, derived from a series of linear regression models, reveal that OBA significantly affects consumers' impulse buying, with this effect mediated by consumers' attitudes toward OBA. Moreover, consumers' privacy concerns weaken the positive effect of OBA on attitudes. Notably, we observe significant cultural differences, with these effects primarily manifesting in the Korean sample. Our study provides valuable insights for creating effective online advertising strategies that contribute to consumers' purchase funnel, ultimately leading to purchases, while addressing privacy concerns and cultural variations.
31pgs, This article aims at investigating the impact of financial supports from agricultural policy on farm-size dynamics. Since not all farms may behave alike, a non-stationary mixed-Markov chain modelling (M-MCM) approach is applied to capture unobserved heterogeneity in the movements of farms across economic size (ES) classes. A multinomial logit specification is used for transition probabilities and the parameters are estimated by the maximum likelihood method and the Expectation-Maximisation (EM) algorithm. An empirical application to an unbalanced panel from 2000 to 2018 shows that French farming consists of ‘almost stayers’, with a high probability of remaining in the same ES class over time, and ‘likely movers’, which present a higher probability of a change in size. The results also show that the impact of subsidies and other economic factors depends greatly on the type that a farm belongs to. These findings confirm that individual characteristics of farmers may be relevant for policy efficiency and more attention should thus be paid to unobserved farm heterogeneity in both policy design and the assessment of their impacts on farm-size dynamics.
Suggests that racism was a strategic military liability in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century wars between Britain and France in the Caribbean. The French Revolution provoked slave uprisings on many of the Caribbean islands. Both the British and French underestimated the black rebels' capabilities and routinely executed black prisoners of war rather than ransoming or imprisoning them. These tendencies made Caribbean campaigns longer and bloodier than they might otherwise have been.
While 20th-century Caribbean literature in French has generated a substantial body of criticism, earlier writings have largely been neglected. This article begins by contextualizing the Creole novel of the 1830s in cultural and historical terms, then proceeds to analyse two novels published by Martinican authors in 1835: Outre-mer by Louis de Maynard de Queilhe and Les Creoles by Jules Levilloux.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
235 p., Using contemporary literary representations of place, this study focuses on works that have participated in the emergence of new conceptions of place and new place-based identities. The analyses draw on research in cultural geography, cognitive science, urban sociology, and globalization studies. Includes chapter on "Evolution in/of the Caribbean Landscape Narrative."
The article discusses the history of Santo Domingo (which was renamed the Dominican Republic) under the French General Jean-Louis Ferrand from 1804 through 1809. Particular focus is given to Ferrand's efforts, under the direction of the French Emperor Napoleon I, to re-enslave Santo Domingo and overthrow Haiti's ruler Toussaint Louverture. An overview of the slavery laws in Santo Domingo is provided. Ferrand's use of black Haitian captives as slaves, including the Haitians captured by the French who lived near the border with Santo Domingo, is provided.