9 pages, Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their uses are often misunderstood. Consumers are regularly unsure what GMOs are, or if they are safe for consumption and the environment. Contradictory and sometimes inaccurate information is available from numerous sources, and challenges consumers and others to separate the facts from sensationalized stories. Agricultural producers often communicate with consumers, neighbors, and members of the general public; however, they do not have information to share about GMOs. Multimedia resources can provide agricultural producers with science-based information to share with consumers. Agricultural communicators and Extension educators can create science-based multimedia resources to bridge the communication gap.
Norris-Parish, Shannon L. (author), Leggette, Holli R. (author), Pesl Murphy, Theresa (author), Parrella, Jean A. (author), Richburg, Audra (author), and Herring, Andy D. (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
UK: Oxford University Press
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 208 Document Number: D13252
9 pages, Animal scientists face an increasing need to communicate with the lay public because of the public’s interest in the origin and production of animal-sourced foods. Consumers’ increased interest infers a critical need for effective communication skills among animal science graduates. Effective communication skills are mandatory if students are to explain scientific information and mitigate misinformation about livestock production. The purpose of our study was to investigate the communication styles and communication effectiveness of upper-level animal science students enrolled in a beef cattle production and management course at Texas A&M University across five semesters (N = 241; spring 2018 = 61, summer 2018 = 15, Fall 2018 = 54, spring 2019 = 55, and fall 2019 = 56). Male animal science students (n = 25; 32.9%) preferred assertive and direct communication (a driver communication style) and female students (n = 32; 19.4%) preferred collaborative and accommodating communication (an amiable communication style). Students were moderately experienced with beef cattle production (M = 3.09, SD = 1.07) before enrolling in the course; however, former beef cattle experiences did not influence their preferred communication style [F(10, 230) = 0.36, P = 0.96]. Researchers also observed students’ communication skills during an end-of-semester beef cattle production and management project presentation and identified strengths and weaknesses. Students demonstrated strong, in-depth animal industry knowledge, an ability to connect beef production techniques to management success, and critical thinking skills when answering questions. Oral communication skills warranting improvement included integrating visual aids and/or visual slides to support findings, using improved stage presence and confidence, and sharing responsibilities when presenting as a team. Finally, completion of a supplemental communication training module, intended to develop oral communication skills, significantly improved [F(1, 55) = 4.16, P = 0.046] students’ beef cattle production and management project presentation scores. As students become aware of their communication preferences and tendencies, they become equipped to adjust their communication practices and techniques when needed. Through this study, we gained insight into students’ communication tendencies and skills, which can be used to provide curricular recommendations and enhance students’ workforce readiness.
10 pages., This study examined the edu-communication strategies that agriculture extension service agencies use in the dissemination and promotion of innovation adoption among cashew farmers in the Kpandai district agricultural zones in Northern Ghana. A total of 140 cashew farmers were sampled using simple random sampling technique. Three District Agricultural Officers (DAO) and twenty-one satellite Agriculture Extension Officers (AEO) were also drawn into the sample. The results of the study show that, face to face interaction, field demonstration, entertainment- education through community radio broadcasting and Farmer Group Discussions (FGDs) were extensively and efficiently used by the AEOs to promote adoption of improved production technologies among cashew farmers. The study discovered that EduCom strategies contribute to higher rates of adoption and partly accounts for increased cashew yields in the study area. The indigenisation of agriculture extension services approaches using local language in the design and dissemination of adoption process is, highly recommended as a core tenet of technology dissemination if higher adoption rates are expected.
International: International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ), Ormstown, Quebec, Canada
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 203 Document Number: D12220
Online from IFAJ. 3 pages., Seven agricultural journalists spanning the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists major membership regions form a new task force on education, training and professional development. IFAJ past president Owen Roberts serves as chair.
9 pages, Effective delivery of continuing education programs can improve their impact. Using the first of four two-week modules of a professional short course, we tested outcomes of a flipped classroom approach, comparing professional foresters’ completion rates, preference for, and perceived value of pre-module content delivered via video and reading. Participants in the National Advanced Silviculture Program self-reported significantly higher pre-module completion rates, preference for, and perceived value of video over reading. This simple study suggests the potential for video to serve as an accessible and preferred format for delivery of key content to supplement an in-person continuing education program.
Online from publishing organization, by membership. 2 pages., Newsletter issue features the career of ACE member Dr. Erica Irlbeck, an agricultural communications teacher and researcher at Texas Tech University.
USA: Southern Farm Network, Raleigh, North Carolina
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12144
Brief report on "SFN Today" featured the national Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT) student organization. 2 pages., Briefly described the development and goals of the organization, the programming it offers to student members, and the current student and faculty leadership.
Littlefield, Joanne (author / Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D11942
PowerPoint visuals from webinar presented to the Society of Agricultural Communication Scholars on October 26, 2020. 16 pages., Presentation featuring techniques and principles of incorporating visual communication into agricultural communication teaching and research efforts.
Via online issue. 2 pages., Profile of a new faculty member in agricultural communications at the University of Florida. Includes a brief description of her career experience and interests.
UI Library subscription., Update on progress and activities of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) Foundation, including student internships and scholarships, as well as fund-raising efforts.