Manalo, Jaime A. IV (author), Pasiona, Sonny P. (author), Baustista, Anna Marie F. (author), Villaflor, Jennifer D. (author), Corpuz, Donna Chris P. (author), Biag-Manalo, Hanah Hazel Mavi (author), and Philippine Rice Research Institute
Online journal article
Publication Date:
Philippines: Taylor & Francis
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 109 Document Number: D10971
18 pages, via online journal, Purpose: This paper explores the intersections between community development and youth development in an initiative that mobilized farmers’ children as Rice Crop Manager (RCM) infomediaries (information mediators). RCM is an ICT-enabled nutrient management application.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The study engaged 30 farmers’ children in high school level from the provinces of Pangasinan, Isabela, Camarines Sur, Iloilo, Bukidnon, and Davao del Norte from November 2016 to October 2017. They interacted with the research team (the authors) and the RCM-SMS platform that sends text messages regarding fertilizer recommendations. A staff member from the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) also called the students for some follow-up questions. The research team conducted three rounds of interviews with the students concerning the messages and calls that they received and what they did with the information.
Findings: This study finds that farmers’ children can perform infomediary roles quite effectively. Academically excellent children and those involved in farm work performed best.
Practical Implications: The study provides guidance on similar initiatives tapping young people in agricultural development.
Theoretical Implications: This paper finds that while Community Youth Development (CYD) Theory provides a powerful lens in understanding community and youth development intersections, some identified outcomes may overlap and may not be very easy to observe. Hence, the identified outcomes may be revisited for clarity and to make them more all-encompassing.
Originality/Value: The paper documents actual parent-child interaction when the latter is mobilized to serve as an infomediary to access nutrient management-related information on rice.
13 pages., via online journal., Communication plays a vital role in a developing society as it could be used for developing of perspectives. This study aimed to analyze the communication and perspectives on climate change among layer farmers in San Jose, Batangas, Philippines. Descriptive research design in a quantitative approach, along with distributed survey questionnaires to the respondents in the said municipality were utilized to answer the research objectives. Systematic random sampling was used to get the sample size of the layer farmers. Statistical tools such as frequency/percentage, weighted mean and Pearson’s correlation were also used. The layer farmers were greatly exposed in interpersonal communication platforms. Demonstration, meetings, seminars and trainings were of less extent. Radio, television and cellphones were widely used by the layer farmers, while very few had access on the internet. Furthermore, they agreed on food security, water sufficiency, ecological and environmental stability, human security and knowledge and capacity development. However, they moderately agreed on climate-smart industries and services, and sustainable energy. Findings also showed that there is a significant relationship between the layer farmers’ perspectives to the communication platforms they were exposed to.
23 pages., via online journal., In 2015, the Philippine Supreme Court ruled against the field testing of Bt eggplant, a genetically modified crop. This decision was covered extensively in the local press, forcing scientists to defend their research. We used qualitative, inductive analysis to examine how three news outlets constructed science in their coverage of the issue. We found that science was constructed through four themes: science searched for proof, absolute consensus had to be reached, the characteristics of scientific inquiry are used to discredit scientists, and science is aware of its logical limits. These findings have implications for the public acceptance of innovations.
6 pages., Article is a revision of material presented at the annual conference (2017) of the Korea Association of SouthEast Asian Studies., Results show that participants of the farmer field schools (FFS) program were more likely to adopt the drought-tolerant rice varieties by 9.9% compared to the non-participants. "It also demonstrates that the FFS with the Local Farmer Technician system is effective in improving farmers' adoption of the newly introduced varieties in the survey area.
This study presents an efficient version of test for the hypothesis that education plays a key role in influencing agricultural productivity based on a switching regression model. In the present setting, farmers’ ability to deal with disequilibria is allowed to change with education, which thereby provides a concrete evidence of the effect of education on selected East Asian production agriculture. The results suggest that there exists a threshold for education to be influential to agricultural productivity change when the selected East-Asian economies are categoried by their degree of economic development. Moreover, for the group of economies where education constitutes a major determinant of productivity growth in both the technological progression and/or stagnation/recession regimes, the effect of education is found to vary from economy to economy and from regime to regime. Generally speaking, however, those East-Asian economies tend to reach their turning point in short time despite of the mentioned differences. This result therefore leads to important policy implications concerning giving an impetus to human capital investment in the agriculture sector.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 161 Document Number: D07872
Pages 118-121 in M.J. Navarro (ed.), Voices and views: why biotech? ISAAA Brief No. 50. International Service for the Acquisition ofAgri-biotech Applications, Ithaca, New York. 158 pages.