Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
315 p., Examines expectations and experiences regarding the education of the black population in Santa Catarina. The expectations were observed in educational legislation, in speeches of the press and the province's government, which appeared mainly in the discussions about the Brazilian Law of Free Birth, with the emergence of the figure of the “ingênuo”. In the press, many articles pointed to black education as an important way to prepare to free labor, ensuring social order. In the official speeches of the government, the issue was addressed less frequently, defending the freedmen's education to prevent anarchy and enable the conscious vote.
Investigates the interface between gender, color/race and public health in Brazil, focusing on the importance of reproductive health for the formation of a black feminism in the country, between the years 1975 to 1993.
Discusses the importance of education for any nation and for Cuba in particular, examining its political, pedagogical and sociological foundations, and portraying its accomplishments over the last 50 years. The principles underlying the educational policy of the Cuban government are explained, as they underpin the mission of the National Education System (NES) to carry forward educational work in the country.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
173 p, Contents: O intérprete negro na música brasileira nos séculos XVIII e XIX -- Joaquina Maria da Conceição Lapa (Lapinha) -- Camila Maria da Conceição -- Principais apresentações e repertório de Joaquina Maria da Conceição Lapa (Lapinha) --Pincipais apresentações de Camila Maria da Conceição (1892-1908).
Maio,Marcos Chor (Editor) and Santos,Ricardo Ventura (Editor)
Book, Edited
Publication Date:
Rio de Janeiro: Editora FIOCRUZ
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
314 p., Contents: Entre a riqueza natural, a pobreza humana e os imperativos da civilização, inventa-se a investigação do povo brasileiro / Jair de Souza Ramos, Marcos Chor Maio -- Raça, doença e saúde pública no Brasil : um debate sobre o pensamento higienista do século XIX / Marcos Chor Maio -- Mestiçagem, degeneração e a viabilidade de uma nação : debates em antropologia física no Brasil (1870-1930) / Ricardo Ventura Santos -- Crânios, corpos e medidas : a constituição do acervo de instrumentos antropométricos do Setor de Antropologia Biológica do Museu Nacional no fim do século XIX-início do século XX / Guilherme José da Silva, et al. -- "Estoque semita" : a presença dos judeus em Casa-grande & senzala / Marcos Chor Maio -- Cientificismo e antirracismo no pós-2a Guerra Mundial : uma análise das primeiras declarações sobre raça da Unesco / Marcos Chor Maio, Ricardo Ventura Santos -- Antropologia, raça e os dilemas das identidades na era da genômica / Ricardo Ventura Santos, Marcos Chor Maio -- No fio da navalha : raça, genética e identidades / Ricardo Ventura Santos, Maria Cátira Bortolini, Marcos Chor Maio -- A cor dos ossos : narrativas científicas e apropriações culturais sobre "Luzia," um crânio pré-histórico do Brasil / Verlan Valle Gaspar Neto, Ricardo Ventura Santos -- Política de cotas raciais, os "olhos da sociedade" e os usos da antropologia : o caso do vestibular da Universidade de Brasília / Marcos Chor Maio, Ricardo Ventura Santos -- Política social com recorte racial no Brasil : o caso saúde da população negra / Marcos Chor Maio, Simone Monteiro.
This article discusses different views about sustainable development, emphasizing -- on the basis of a survey conducted in Brazil, Mexico, and Cuba -- the role of rural women in food production and natural resource management, the strength of the rural women's movement in the conquest of rights, and the decisive participation of women in defining proposals for public policies that guarantee gender equality in rural areas. A brief comparative analysis leads us to conclude that the development model in the three countries still prioritizes the male figure in relation to land tenure, access to credit and purchase of equipment or other material resources, it is suggested that both in Cuba, a socialist country, and in Mexico and Brazil, capitalist counties, the assumptions of social policies directed to rural female workers should take into account the basic needs of rural women to guarantee a more humane and sustainable development. Adapted from the source document.