An essay on the gendered aspects of war and revolution in Cuba and Nicaragua. According to the author, militarized violence in these states was hierarchical and ultimately created alternative privileged masculinities despite revolutionary movements' ideological commitments to equality. Details related to racial and gender binaries are also presented.
On the roles of gender, migration, and sexuality in the concept of sexiles, or people who are geographically displaced because of their sexuality, in the Carribean. Analyzes the short story "La Cautiva" by Pedro Juan Soto, the novel "I Am a Martinician Woman" by Mayotte Capécia, and the novel "No Telephone to Heaven" by Michelle Cliff.
An essay on medical tourism, or travel with the intention of obtaining health services abroad, in the Caribbean. An overview of the economic impacts of medical tourism on several Caribbean countries, including Cuba, Jamaica, and Barbados, is presented.
Reviews several books: "Women's Activism in Latin America and the Caribbean: Engendering Social Justice, Democratizing Citizenship" edited by Elizabeth Maier and Nathalie Lebon, "Making Transnational Feminism: Rural Women, NGO Activists, and Northern Donors in Brazil" by Millie Thayer, and "Developing Partnerships: Gender, Sexuality, and the Reformed World Bank" by Kate Bedford.