August 12 issue online from organization website. 3 pages., Identifies some data sources used by firefighting professionals to track wildfires and other incidents nationwide. Advice to environmental reporters about the firefighting web of radio communications: "Respect the tough and risky job firefighters do by not interfering. Do not broadcast on these frequencies. Leave them for firefighters. Just listen."
Online from organization website in August 12 issue. 5 pages., Six key takeaways from panel members during a recent webinar, "COVID-19's effects on freelancing - and its future." Topics: Finding stories, staying afloat, professional development, pitching stories, protecting your health, and the future of freelancing.
Online from organization website. 2 pages., Describes steps being taken or planned for governance of SEJ, membership diversity, representation, allyship, and funding in the interest of achieving racial equality within SEJ and in the news industry at large.