AGRICOLA IND 92017546; Presented at the VIII World Congress of IAALD, May, 1990, Budapest, Hungary, In 1979 the Danish Veterinary and Agricultural Documentation Center was founded as a research project and was financed by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Danish Agricultural and Veterinary Research Council. In 1984 the Center became permanently financed on the national budget. The Center has the following objectives: to function as the Danish AGRIS input center; to supply qualified on-line searching in international agricultural clients, research institutions and students; to teach on-line searching techniques; and to supply document delivery for search customers. During the past 10 years the Documentation Center has become an important part of the information network in Denmark. Demonstrations of on-line searching are a natural part of the regular library information course at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University because the Center is a department of the library. The placement of the Documentation center is a great help for scientists at the University who are starting new projects. Master's degree students are offered a free on-line search for use in writing their thesis. Research institutions belonging to the Ministry of Agriculture, food science and drug companies, and private veterinaries are some of the Center's most frequent users outside of the University. The Danish Veterinary and Agricultural Library supplies close to 50% of the literature ordered based on the on-line searches. The remainder is obtained through AGLINET (original)
Allevato, S.R. (author / Associacao Profissional dos Bibliotecarios do Rio de Janeiro, Projeto RADAMBRASIL - Arquivo Tecnico, Av. Rio Branco, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and Associacao Profissional dos Bibliotecarios do Rio de Janeiro, Projeto RADAMBRASIL - Arquivo Tecnico, Av. Rio Branco, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 70 Document Number: C02985
AGRICOLA IND 92017549; Presented at the VIII World Congress of IAALD, May, 1990, Budapest, Hungary, The United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN) is the first organization developed specifically to provide a national forum through which U.S. agricultural librarians might address many issues associated with the collection, access and delivery of agricultural information. The objectives of the network include: to provide a forum for discussion of agricultural information issues; to take a leadership role in the formation of a national information policy as related to agriculture; and to make recommendations to the National Agricultural Library on agricultural information matters. The network promotes and assists efforts by the cooperating agencies to: determine the availability and location of resources; develop and implement resource sharing agreements; explore the potentials of shared collection development programs; and maintain and preserve present and future resources. USAIN strives to ensure the fullest possible sharing of information and library materials in the most cost-effective manner. The success of these efforts will help to ensure equality of access and availability of resources for agricultural information users throughout the United States. (original)
Ibekwe, G.O. (author / International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria) and International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 72 Document Number: C03336
Oladele, Benedict Adekunle (author / Library, Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan, Nigeria) and Library, Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan, Nigeria
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 70 Document Number: C03068
AGRICOLA IND 92017551; Presented at the VIII World Congress of IAALD, May, 1990, Budapest, Hungary, CAB International (CABI) activities that enhance the dissemination of agricultural research results to and from Eastern European countries by close cooperation with national agricultural information centres are reviewed. CABI has been distributing abstract journals throughout Eastern Europe for many years and has regularly received direct from Eastern Europe abstracts of the region's agricultural research literature. In 1958, "World Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Abstracts" was established with the International Economics Association and IAALD, based in Vienna, and most of the abstracts were contributed by a network of people linked to these two organizations. Input to WAERSA and other CABI journals from individual abstracters in Eastern Europe continues to this day. In the early 1980s AGROINFORM, within the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture, began supplying CABI with abstracts of Hungarian agricultural publications. It acquired CAB ABSTRACTS on magnetic tape several years ago and in January 1990 became the first Eastern European country to acquire the database on CD-ROM. In 1988, Hungary became the first Eastern European country to join CABI, bringing its total membership to 30. In November 1989, CABI signed an agreement with VNIITEIAgroprom, the All-Union Research Institute of Information and Economic Studies of the Agro-industrial Complex, Moscow, with the dual aim of enhancing worldwide knowledge of Soviet agricultural research and access by Soviet researchers to global information sources.