Online from publication. 3 pages., Food store produce specialist urges produce managers to get summer extra-help staff members identified early and begin to train them by mid-April. "June is too late, you know." The busiest quarter of the year for fruits and vegetables is often run with the least-experienced people, due in part to summer vacation schedules of experienced personnel.
Online from periodical. 3 pages., Author described the responsibilities and importance of the produce manager/specialist. "These hardworking individuals live in two worlds; they have one foot in the stores and one foot in the corporate office." Emphasized the need for communications leadership among the teams with whom they work.
Via online issue. 6 pages., Part of a series about how to succeed in produce display contests. This article emphasizes how display contests grow shopping basket size, expose new items to customers, help create an engaging image, build teamwork within the store, generate fun, and allow your community and beyond to see your work. "In the end, it really is all about having fun."
Online from publication. 4 pages., A senior fresh produce merchandiser offers advice about providing orientation and in-service training for professional development of new employees in produce departments of food stores.
Online from publication. 9 pages., Advice from a fresh produce marketer with more than 30 years of experience in a supermarket chain. "The environment you want is one of being a merchant. ... It is somewhat of a lost art in today's fast paced world of data, low price and lack of labor."