Online via the publication. 3 pages., Findings of a poll by The Packer indicated that "properly administered social responsibility programs
do exactly that, or at least can be a significant factor in helping accomplish that goal." They can help ensure that workers are treated well according to health and safety standards and compensated fairly. Such programs also provide to the wider company a greater sense of purpose that workers' jobs
contribute to something greater than profits.
Online from publisher. 4 pages., Article features findings of a Packer survey about social responsibility. The summary includes brief responses by 11 leaders in the produce industry about the meaning of social responsibility.
Online from publication. 1 page., Summary of a survey among residents in the Bay Area of California by the Grower-Shipper Association of Central California. Findings indicated that 77 percent of the respondents considered agriculture "most" or "very" important. A majority also appeared to understand issues that face frmers, including employment of guest workers through the H-2A program.
Online from publication. 3 pages., Report of USDA decision to suspend a report used to set wages for guest workers in the H-2A program in 2021, with examples of responses and implications.