2 pages., via database., Incentive advertising, the offering of
merchandise to encourage the purchase,
sale, or dealing in a particular product,
is an important part of the food industry's advertising effort. Approximately I
out of every 4 food promotion dollars is
spent on some form of an incentive offer. Coupons, which, by contrast reward
the purchaser with a discount, and
media advertisements which are both informative and image creating, account
for the remaining portion of the food
advertising bill.
4 pages., via database, Much attention has been focused
on the relationship between advertising and food prices. Critics argue that
advertising food products only increases costs-costs that consumers
ultimately must pay. Others contend
that the advertising is quite beneficial
from an information perspective, particularly in light of its relatively small
Newspapers are one of the principal means of advertising by the food
industry, second only to television. In
1978, almost $1 billion was spent for
newspaper ads by firms in the food
marketing system (foodstores, food
manufacturers, and eating and drinking places). These ads are read by
three out of every four consumers.
Among all retailers, grocery stores
rank third in the volume of newspaper
advertising purchased; food manufacturers rank fifth among all manufacturers.