Analyzes the work of Gabriel Contino, a Brazilian rap artist. Origin of rap music; Overview of the racial situation in Brazil; Examination of the appropriation and use of modes of cultural expression in Brazil; Information on other rap artists in the country; Details on the style of Gabriel Contino's rap music.
"This essay examines four of the most influential examples of this prose genre written during the supposed Golden Age of Cuban music before the upheaval of the 1959 Revolution. Though Eduardo Sánchez de Fuentes, Emilio Grenet, Alejo Carpentier, and Fernando Ortiz were all responding to Cuba's peculiar cultural climate and historical situation, they participated in a long-standing, pan-American intellectual movement to write histories interpreting the connection between racial inheritance, environment, music, and national identity.";
Talks about the Antillean waltz and the island where it originated, the Curaçao. Discussion on creolization; Details of music and dance as venues for creolization among Africans aboard a slave ship; Social hierarchy in the island during the eighteenth century.;
Discusses formal continuities and changes involved in a set of interrelated musical genres which constitute the guajira complex of musical forms in Cuba. Description of musical exchanges between Cuba and Spain; Efforts of some scholars in analyzing the guajira complex; Role of the punto cubano in serving as the primary inspirational core of the set of genres presented as the guajira complex.;