Huisman, M. (author), Koster, L.M. (author), and Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation, Wageningen, The Netherlands; Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 41 Document Number: B04820
The authors report a study in the European Community countries of the so-called transformed review articles in agriculture - articles intended to be read by persons working at different levels between research and practical agriculture. The various types of transformed reviews are first examined, followed by a summary of the results of interviews with editors of periodicals for practical agriculture, agricultural information specialists and consultants of advisory services. The aims of the interviews were to investigate how the different types of transformed reviews are produced, to investigate the need for transformed reviews, and hear opinions on whether the production of transformed reviews should be specially organized in the European Community countries, and if so how this should be done. It is concluded that production of certain types of transformed review needs to be stimulated, measures for doing this are suggested, and an exchange-program for reviews is proposed for the European Community countries.