Aberle, Jennifer T. (author), Fetsch, Robert J. (author), Haddock, Shelley A. (author), Peterson, Rick L. (author), and Zimmerman, Toni Schindler (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 160 Document Number: C26222
8 pages, Cattle handling Extension program educators often overlook the animal training component of efficient handling. The objectives of the study described in this article were to measure young dairy heifer behavioral responses toward handlers who received different types of training and to document whether repeated handling or time of day of handling affected heifer behavioral responses to handlers. Six handlers received training through a lecture, hands-on workshop, or video. An observer recorded heifer behavior during handling tests. The day and time of heifer training were most influential on heifer behavior, but heifer handling ease was improved when handlers had participated in the hands-on training.
Adams, Gerald (author), Jenson, Glen (author), Schvaneveldt, Jay (author), Young, Robert (author), and Jenson, Adams, Schvaneveldt: Utah State University, Logan, UT; Young: University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: Madison, WI : Extension Journal.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 87 Document Number: C05850
AGRICOLA IND 87058469, The purpose of this study was to determine the image of 4-H as perceived by 4-H contest winners. A questionnaire asking about family life, friendships, amount of involvement by family members in 4-H, the perceived image of the community and peer groups about 4-H, and other related items was given to the contestants. The 6 top-ranked reasons expressed by respondents for joining 4-H listed parents being a leader first, followed by encouragement by friends, personal enrichment, horse projects, livestock shows, and because the whole family was involved. These data suggest a need for more 4-H evaluation research. The awareness of the need for more research in Utah has certainly been heightened by the rather sparse availability of quality evaluative research data. We realize, of course that this sample isn't representative of the average 4-H youth in Utah, or elsewhere, but the results nevertheless raise important questions and concerns that we as Extension workers must take into consideration as we plan and develop programs in the area of youth development and 4-H work.
4 pages, This article introduces the Regional Conservation Partnership Program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service. The program encourages partnerships among Extension professionals, conservation agency representatives, and farmers that focus on addressing natural resources concerns through the development and implementation of regional watershed plans. These plans assist farmers in practicing sustainable crop and animal production methods. Extension professionals will find the program useful as a tool for building collaborations at watershed and regional scales to promote agricultural production practices that enhance natural resources conservation.
Allen, Andrew J. (author), Llewellyn, Donald A. (author), Kerr, Susan R. (author), Hudson, Tipton D. (author), Neibergs, J. Shannon (author), Smith, Sarah M. (author), and Moore, Dale A. (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
United States: Extension Journal, Inc.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 203 Document Number: D12327
11 pages, Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is an often unrecognized problem in cow-calf herds. We describe a program we used to help producers identify and avoid practices that could increase their herds' risk for BRD. The greatest knowledge gains occurred for the topics of costs associated with BRD, BRD risks at the feedlot, and biosecurity measures. Through producer self-assessments, we found that the number of risky practices conducted by producers ranged from none to 22 per operation, averaging 10 per operation. Extension professionals should consider combining producer self-assessment with education on management as an effective strategy for informing producers of risks in their operations.