5 pages, It can be argued that public forums are a valuable and essential tool for Cooperative Extension professionals. This article narrates the innovative use of the public forum action steps outlined in Kahl’s (2016) “A Convener’s Guide to Hosting a Public Forum”. The primary objective was to address illegal dumping and littering concerns with the Extension professional's role to engage the community. The resulting “Backyard Composting Project” demonstrated that public forums are valuable in creatively engaging urban audiences. Ultimately the authors illustrate how a community concern can be addressed using innovative programming to reach what Extension considers to be non-traditional urban populations.
10 pages, The benefits of urban trees are well known; however, tree roots often damage sidewalks, requiring root cutting, tree removal, and sidewalk replacement. We used alternative materials that allowed for tree retention and sidewalk replacement at two sites in northern Utah. From these projects, we developed a plan to help Extension professionals build support for novel urban forestry techniques and tools by forming collaborative partnerships, conducting public and professional outreach, and evaluating public opinions through the use of drop-off/pick-up surveys. Our project highlights the importance of having a proactive outreach plan when conducting Extension programming that involves new practices and products.
Carter, Harold O. (author), Cleaves, David A. (author), Nuckton, Carole (author), and Nuckton: Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR; Carter: Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Director, University of California Agricultural Issues Center, University of California, Davis, CA; Cleaves: Extension Forest Economist, Southern Forestry Experiment Station, New Orleans, LA
Journal article
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USA: Extension Journal, Inc.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 91 Document Number: C06512