30 pages, While Georgia is one of the top producers of cotton and peanuts in the Unites States, much attention has been centered on ensuring sustainability in the production of these crops. The need to understand what drives farmers’ decision to utilize voluntary best management practices is critical for the improvement of strategies focused on increasing farmers’ adoption of these practices. Empirical evidence that identifies influential factors in farmers’ decision to adopt best management practices have yet to produce consistent predictors of adoption behavior. This has led to increased calls for unique approaches examining how farmers’ views and motivations impact their adoption decisions regarding these practices. This study builds on previous research using Q methodology to provide an in-depth investigation of the differences in farmers’ views on best management practices for cotton and peanut production in southwest Georgia. A purposive sample of 21 participants completed the Q sorting exercise and semi-structured interviews. Analysis of the data revealed three primary viewpoints that were identified and labeled as the: (1) land preservers, (2) ambitious self-starters, and (3) principled go-getters. These perspectives show the differences in motivations for adoption behavior and denote the range of influential factors on farm management decisions. The findings of this study reveal key viewpoints held by Georgia cotton and peanut farmers toward best management practices, which can inform the development of strategically tailored educational resources and opportunities. These targeted educational approaches must account for the specific needs and preferences of farmers found in this study to potentially increase adoption.
27 pages, Precision farming is becoming crucial in the ongoing agricultural revolution due to its enhanced economic and ecological sustainability in food production compared to conventional farming. However, only a limited number of studies have focused on consumer acceptance of food produced through precision farming. To address this gap, an online experiment (n = 276) was conducted to investigate how production method information influences consumer beliefs of food quality (i.e., health, sustainability, and safety values), ultimately affecting consumer attitudes and purchase intentions toward precision-grown food. The findings suggest consumers exhibit higher quality beliefs, leading to more favorable attitudes and purchase intentions, toward precision-grown food compared to conventional food. This trend was observed when participants were presented with detailed information about the production methods employed in each farming system. In addition, according to the Elaboration Likelihood Model, our study reveals consumer innovativeness has the potential to amplify positive responses in terms of quality beliefs, attitudes, and purchase intentions toward precision-grown food compared to conventional food. Furthermore, our findings suggest that when detailed production methods are presented, precision-grown food may receive favorable quality beliefs, attitudes, and purchase intentions comparable to those for organic food, regardless of consumer innovativeness.
28 pages, Large broiler chicken companies have been under pressure by consumers to reduce their carbon footprint, improve animal welfare and labor practices, and enhance environmental quality across the industry. This study examines how large broiler chicken companies have addressed sustainability within video content directed toward consumers and posted on YouTube. To conceptualize this study, we used the 1990 Farm Bill definition of agricultural sustainability. It is important to examine articulations of agricultural sustainability as company messages often incorporate sustainability philosophies and ideologies while referencing specific production practices and goals. This study used qualitative content analysis to analyze 440 videos, and framing analysis to closely examine a subset of 55 videos, from three of the largest broiler chicken companies in the United States. The framing analysis revealed that stewardship, natural state, and catalyst for change were the three most frequently used sustainability frames across the companies. These frames focus on elements of caretaking, responsibility, and public accountability, and apply these ideals to people, chickens, and profit within the organization. Few discussions of environmental stewardship were found within our analysis. While frames were not necessarily connected to production practices, each company did tend to leverage frames in ways that align with brand positioning. Companies should consider implementing discussions of how production practices affect the environment more directly, since protecting the environment and replenishing natural resources are concepts consumers associate with sustainability.
21 pgs, The purpose of this paper is to compare the reporting of vital agricultural news between the mainstream print media and the farming press in Ireland. To achieve this, this study examined coverage of a recent and significant agricultural news event by mainstream Irish newspapers and the Irish farming press. Taking the 2018–2019 Irish beef sector crisis as the case study for examination, researchers conducted a comparative content analysis of the most widely circulated mainstream national newspapers’ (n = 5) and farming newspapers’ (n = 2) coverage of the story over a 14-month period. We analyzed the timing, frequency, and placing of some 294 articles published to communicate issues regarding the beef crisis at three specific stages—before the national farmer protests, during the farmer protests, and after the farmer protests. We found mainstream newspapers to be significantly slower to start reporting on the Irish beef sector crisis of 2018–2019 compared to the country’s farming newspapers—although national print media coverage of the event increased as the crisis escalated. This early underreporting of the event by mainstream newspapers is compelling considering the importance of the agri-food sector, and beef farming in particular, to Ireland’s economy. Building on existing international, but very limited Irish, research on agricultural journalism, we concluded that farming newspapers are more in touch with the critical issues affecting Irish farmers while mainstream newspapers appeared slower to cover a vital agricultural issue of public importance.
16 pages, Poultry production holds an important place in Arkansas economically and as a food source. The viability of poultry production ultimately hinges on consumer demand and the perceptions that drive their purchases. With this in mind, this study surveyed consumers to assess their perceptions of poultry production in Arkansas. The instrument used to survey consumers was created by the researcher and an expert committee at the University of Arkansas. Consumers were surveyed through direct communication at grocery stores in Northwest Arkansas. Data gathered from the study were analyzed using descriptive and correlational statistics. Consumers were uncertain as to whether or not conventionally produced poultry possessed unsafe levels of antibiotics and hormones (M = 3.68, SD = 1.45). Consumers also thought the majority of poultry farms in Arkansas were factory farms (M = 4.15, SD = 1.37). Consumers perceived organic poultry as a more healthy food than conventionally produced poultry (M = 4.47, SD = 1.39). Based on these results, specific recommendations were made to maintain the viability of poultry production in Arkansas. Marketing and communication efforts should be tailored to improve consumer understanding of antibiotic and hormone use in poultry production and the healthiness of conventionally produced poultry. Messaging and marketing should depict the reality of conventional poultry production, and agricultural communicators should work to improve logic and reason for combating campaigns that misinform the public about agriculture. This research also highlights the need for further research to better understand the ways consumers develop perceptions of poultry production.