Using two samples of U.S. adults (Study 1: N = 336; Study 2: N = 2329), this study features a messaging experiment utilizing a between-subjects design, with a no-message control group, to explore the impact of a narrative video, in comparison to an infographic video, on support for sustainable aquaculture. Results indicate that the infographic video type is more transporting than the narrative video, and that transportation influences support for aquaculture indirectly through emotional response, as well as risk and benefit perceptions; however, importantly, we also note that video content may have contributed to the observed differences. For an emerging issue like aquaculture with environmental and human health implications, strategic messaging, especially when accompanied by vivid images, may allow audiences to better engage with a complex and contentious topic.
Smith, Sandi W. (author), Rosenman, Kenneth D. (author), Kotowski, Michael R. (author), Glazer, Edward (author), McFeters, Courtnay (author), Keesecker, Nicole M. (author), and Law, Angela (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 169 Document Number: C28493
23 pages., Via online journal., This study draws on a culturally centered collaboration with a community of dalit women farmers in South India who were organized in a cooperative in their collective resistance against the corporatization of agriculture. Situated in the backdrop of the epidemic of farmer suicides in the region, this manuscript examines how those at the margins of global neoliberal transformations symbolically and materially make sense of and resist these transformations. The voices of the women farmers disrupt the underlying neoliberal assumptions that undergird the importation of cash crop agriculture into a subsistence and community-centered farming culture. They depict the ways in which Western cash crop agriculture disrupts community, food security, local health care systems, and the unique gender relations. Moreover, the communication advocacy work carried out by the women seeks to transform agricultural policy through material interventions as alternative practices of agriculture that challenge the hegemony of cash-based individualized agriculture.