Pies, B. (author / University of Iowa), Grafft, L. (author / University of Iowa), Kross, B. (author / University of Iowa), and Ogilvie, L. (author / University of Iowa)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 105 Document Number: C09169
10 pages., via online journal., Findings indicate that analysis of news reports of agricultural injuries provide more current data than traditional surveillance databases.
Online via keyword search of UI Library eCatalog. 7 pages., Analysis based on media database maintained by the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association, which stores publicly available news media reports of agricultural injuries and fatalities in Canada. Fjindings suggested that prevention messages were rare (6.3% of 856 relevant articles) in media reporting of farm injuries and were decreasing during 2010-2017.
8 pages, Online via UI Library electronic subscription, Examined news media reporting on farm injuries in Canada, 2010 through 2017. Only 6.3% of 856 identified articles included a prevention message. Authors concluded that prevention messages are rare in media reporting of farm injuries and are decreasing over time. "Improved reporting is needed to aid in farm injury prevention."
11 pages, Online via UI Library electronic subscription., Report of research among farmworker families living and working in three Florida communities. Most reported childcare access as a challenge. Findings offer ideas for industry support of childcare as an important workforce investment.