17 pages, Small farms and small farmers are a growing sector of the agricultural economy nationwide. Notably, small farms are influenced by similar antagonists to the success of their business as large, concentrated operations, but they experience it differently. The purpose of this study was to describe small farms and farmers in North Dakota to assist North Dakota State University Extension in defining their needs for programming development. We found that nearly 45% of small farmer respondents are women. Small farmers prefer to access information for their operations in a variety of ways but like to engage with Extension through more direct and personal means. Recommendations include developing programming targeted at female farmers and organizing Extension information resources targeted at small farm needs, specifically.
14 pages., via online journal., The smartphone is perhaps the most influential device in modern society. Research has indicated
students perceived that using smartphones in the classroom aided learning. However, most American
high schools ban students from using phones in the classroom. Previous research supports the idea
that advanced smartphone applications in student- centered learning environments can improve
achievement and motivation. Currently, there is little in the agricultural education literature pertaining
to smartphone enhanced learning among secondary agriculture students. This study compared
motivational differences between non-equivalent comparison groups. Secondary agricultural students
from 13 schools across Louisiana completed the Course Interest Survey to measure motivation during
a forestry unit. Data were analyzed using Hierarchical Linear Modeling. The analysis rendered no
statistically significant differences between the groups in motivation. It was concluded that
smartphones do not reduce motivation and should be considered in agricultural education classrooms
where policy permits.
18 pages., via online journal., Meeting the demands of a proficient scientific workforce depends on students’ communication skill preparation. To describe students’ self-perceptions of their communication skills, we surveyed 315 students in Texas A&M University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Participants noted they were most proficient in their ability to listen effectively and least proficient in asking effective questions. Each communication skill characteristic showed a statistically significant difference before and after college engagement, but we found no statistically significant difference in the overall communication scores of students. Therefore, we recommend: 1) interviewing employers to understand their perceptions of entry-level employees; 2) investigating when students transition from false sense of confidence to actual confidence; 3) conducting a longitudinal study to investigate students’ perceptions of communication skills throughout their college experience; 4) evaluating faculty’s communication
teaching methods across disciplines; and 5) investigating the influence of self-reflection on students’ attained communication skills. Conducting such studies could lead to stronger connections between the academy and the industry, especially as faculty strive to align their teaching with needs of the industry.