9pgs, This study was conducted to identify the agricultural extension needs of women farmers and to assess the impact of their participation in agricultural extension programs on vegetable production in the area. A sample of 145 women farmers from five Grama Niladhari (GN) divisions of the DS division was randomly selected for the study. Data were collected from a researcher administered survey and analyzed using descriptive statistics and a regression analysis. As per the results, a significant number of the women farmers have
participated in most of the extension and training programs. However, some of them haven’t registered in the farmer organization present in the area. Agricultural extension agents of the area have focused on dissemination of more information regarding modern farming technologies, organic farming, application of agrochemicals and fertilizers, and improving market systems. The majority of women farmers have
used the knowledge received from the extension programs in vegetable farming activities. Furthermore, there is a significant and positive relationship between participation in extension programs by women farmers and an increase in vegetable production. Therefore, encouragement of women farmers to register in the farmer organization, provision of timely important extension service to them, organizing training programs, and workshops to disseminate agricultural information are crucial to further enhancement of vegetable production in this area.
12 pages., via online journal., The study assessed the communication competence of agricultural extension workers in Benue State, Nigeria. Ninety-three respondents were selected and studied using stratified and random sampling techniques. Data were collected from the use of a well-structured questionnaire. The results obtained revealed that the majority (57%) showed a low level of communication knowledge/skill. Logit regression statistics showed significant effect of respondents’ educational qualification, work experience, and rank (salary grade level) on their communication competence at 5% level of probability. It is therefore recommended that Benue State Agricultural and Rural Development Authority should adequately train their staff so as to correct their low communication knowledge/skill.
9 pages., via online journal., This study assessed the use of Facebook by farmers and extension agents in Otukpo Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria. One Hundred respondents (80 farmers and 20 extension agents) were selected using purposive and random sampling techniques. Research findings revealed that most farmers (56.2%) reported a low level of use of Facebook, while 50% of extension agents made high use of Facebook. Major constraints to using Facebook were poor network services for farmers and power failure for extension agents. Sex, formal education and income had significant effect on the farmers' level of Facebook use. It is therefore recommended that Internet services and electricity be improved in the study area.
13 pages., via online joural., Due to inadequate personnel, information communication technologies (ICTs) have become an attractive option for delivery of extension information. This study examined awareness and use of ICTs by farmers in Oyo State, Nigeria. A total of 192 farmers were interviewed. Results indicate that most farmers had no formal education and small farm holdings. Awareness of older ICTs like radio and television was more prevalent among farmers as compared with newer ICTs such as Internet and cable television. However, use of modern ICTs like mobile phones and cable television was greater than that for older technologies such as fax machines. Farmers were constrained in ICT use by prohibitive cost and service failure. The Nigerian government should encourage a liberal policy for affordable prices for modern ICT products, especially mobile telephones.
Ochilo, Willis N. (author), Ruffhead, Holly (author), Rumsey, Abigail (author), Chege, Florence (author), Lusweti, Charles (author), Oronje, Mary Lucy (author), and Otieno, Washington (author)
Online journal article
Publication Date:
Taylor & Francis
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 77 Document Number: D10807
18 pages., via online journal., Mobile apps are increasingly being used to answer development challenges around the world. The development opportunities that apps offer is wide-reaching but uptake of the technology varies. This article examines the ease of use and factors impacting user acceptance and behavior when interacting with an app for agricultural extension in Kenya. Results show factors including gender and age play a role in the adoption of technology by agricultural extension agents. The findings have useful lessons for apps’ development in the agricultural sector and suggest that including intended users of an app in the design process significantly increases usability.
22 pages., The disconnect between the public and agricultural production is a growing concern for the Canadian agriculture industry. A lack of knowledge regarding food production can lead to distrust in the industry and in the safe, nutritious food grown on Canadian farms. To assess consumers’ level of agricultural knowledge, we surveyed consumers about agricultural production. Results reveal a lack of basic knowledge in most areas, and a particular deficit in the areas of crop protection, organic production, and advanced plant breeding technologies. Based on these results, we recommend that the agriculture industry focus education and communication efforts on these topics.
18 pages., via online journal., This study identified the communication platforms existing among researchers, extension workers, and farmers in Eastern Nigeria. Data were collected from 164 respondents using a questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results revealed that monthly review technology meetings and research-extension-farmer-input linkage system were major communication platforms used by researchers and extension workers. Communication platforms effective between extension workers and farmers were those that promote face-to-face interactions. The problems militating against effective communication among the stakeholders could be solved by considering the needs of the farmers, acquainting the policy makers with current research findings, and frequent use of more interactive communication platforms.
11 pages., via online journal., This study compared researchers, extension agents, and farmers’ perceptions of the effect of Information Communication Technology (ICT) on agricultural information access. A simple random sampling technique was used to select 88 researchers, 115 extension agents, and 271 farmers. Data collected through a structured questionnaire were analyzed using means, standard deviation, and one-way analysis of variance. The results showed that, of the 29 statements on the rating scale, researchers, extension agents, and farmers agreed with and were positively disposed to 25, 23, and 19, respectively. A significant difference in the effect of ICT on agricultural information access among researchers, extension agents, and farmers (F = 6.49, p < .05) was observed. Access to agricultural information through ICT will continue to improve, since perceptions are overtly positive among researchers, extension agents, and farmers.
24 pages., via online journal., Biofortification of staple crops to combat micronutrient deficiencies is gaining global recognition. Projects promoting biofortified food crops use intensive agriculture-nutrition education and extension activities to increase adoption of such crops. This study examines the effect of such programs on the adoption and diffusion of orange-fleshed sweetpotato (OFSP). It finds that intensive agriculture-nutrition education and extension programs adopted by some of the biofortification projects increases the adoption and diffusion of OFSP. Specifically, participation in mother-to-mother nutrition support clubs and nutrition-focused health talks affect its adoption and diffusion, but with varying degrees of importance. The paper discusses the implications of these findings.
16 pages., via online journal., The goal of this study was to evaluate a radio program as a source of agricultural information and examine the relationship between specific socioeconomic characteristics and listenership. The findings revealed that half of the farmers listen to the radio program, while older farmers are more likely to be listeners. Moreover, there are no significant differences between listeners and nonlisteners with respect to education level. More focus should be given to mountainous and less favored areas where more traditional information sources prevail. It is strongly recommended that the broadcast be sustained and improved based on farmers' suggestions and be regularly assessed.
20 pages., via online journal, This study analyses the influences of sociodemographic factors, business orientation of farmers, and farm characteristics on adoption of ICT-based information through primary data collected from 461 farmers in eight districts of Uttar Pradesh, India. A personal interview survey was conducted using a pre-tested structured questionnaire. The Poisson Count Regression Model was used to analyze the factors influencing use of the information derived through ICT-based systems on various agricultural practices. The findings indicate that education, income, and social category of farmers are important sociodemographic factors affecting the adoption of ICT-based information systems. Similarly, farmers who consider farming as a business venture, practice a diversified cropping system, and have small farms are more likely to use ICT-based information.
15 pages., via online journal., Information is key in reducing the uncertainties of sustainable agricultural practices (SAPs). The objective of this study was to improve the understanding of the relationship between utilized informational sources and other key identified factors affecting Malaysian vegetable producers' choices. The findings of a multivariate probit model suggest that information sources are complementary. The choices for these sources are influenced by heterogeneity in access to credit, social network (member of farmers association), and farm settings (distance from farm to market, resource depletion issues, and geographical regions). Future promotion of SAPs should be delivered through the provision of quality content disseminated through the preferred information sources, which target potential users.
16 pages., via online journal., Critical factors influencing farmers’ use of traditional communication methods (TCMs) in information dissemination were isolated with a factor analytical technique. The results show that most of the farmers were between 31 and 60 years and the majority (63%) employ use of TCMs such as proverbs, hooting, putting leaves on path, and use of palm fronds to deliver information at a moderate level. The features of TCMs, farmers’ personal characteristics, economic proficiency, and influence of social contact were factors influencing use of TCMs. It was concluded that use of TCMs is influenced by their peculiarities in discerning information and the user's personal and socioeconomic characteristics.
14 pages., via online journal., This study has investigated farm households' simultaneous use of social networks, field extension, traditional media, and modern information and communication technologies (ICTs) to access information on cotton crop production. The study was based on a field survey, conducted in Punjab, Pakistan. Data were collected from 399 cotton farm households using the multistage sampling technique. Important combinations of information sources were found in terms of their simultaneous use to access information. The study also examined the factors influencing the use of various available information sources. A multivariate probit model was used considering the correlation among the use of social networks, field extension, traditional media, and modern ICTs. The findings indicated the importance of different socioeconomic and institutional factors affecting farm households' use of available information sources on cotton production. Important policy conclusions are drawn based on findings.
11 pages., via online journal., This study examined farmers' utilization of the Utom Inwang agricultural program on Atlantic 104.5 FM radio station. Data on listenership, utilization and constraints to utilization of information aired on the program were obtained from 150 randomly selected farmers. Although more of the respondents (53.3%) had a low listenership status, utilization of information was high (54.7%). Constraints to utilization were lack of finance (x¯ = 1.51) and poor feedback (x¯ = 1.21). Farming experiences (r = 0.188, p ≤ 0.05) and annual income (r = 0.376, p ≤ 0.05) were significantly related to utilization of the broadcast. Utom Inwang should be sustained, while financial information and feedback mechanisms should be improved upon.
13 pages., via online journal., This study examined the feasibility of the use of mobile phones as an educational tool in agricultural extension services in the Guilan Province of Iran. A descriptive-survey methodology was employed on a sample population of 120 agricultural extension agents. Data were analyzed at descriptive and inferential levels using SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 20 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). The results of the factor analysis indicated that the application of mobile phones in extension activities was influenced by three factors: economic, skill, and infrastructure. These factors accounted for 52.3% of the variance. Moreover, the possibility for the development of mobile phones as an educational medium is impacted by social, financial-credit, information-communicational, psychological, and improper conditions factors that, in total, captured 70.4% of the variance.
29 pages., via online journal., University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) Libraries was one of 19 participants in a national study of the research practices and needs of agricultural researchers. Two UNL Libraries faculty members interviewed 11 UNL scholars during the summer of 2016. The ethnographic research approach revealed four core themes: interdisciplinarity and collaborations, scientific communication practices, scientific research data issues and practices, and challenges and opportunities. Illustrated by the sample of faculty comments presented here, the themes have direct implications for the UNL Libraries, while in other cases these point to concerns and opportunities for the university, the academy, and the nation.
14 pages., via online journal., This study sought to identify the information communication technology (ICT) needs of small-scale farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria. A structured interview schedule was used to collect data from a sample of 108 farmers. Results revealed that the majority used radio and television and owned mobile phones and video machines. Constraints to use included capacity, infrastructural/technical and logistical problems. The study recommends that the Nigerian government reorient its policies in order to harness the potential of ICTs to contribute to agricultural development and highlights the need to raise awareness of the agricultural uses of ICTs among the government, other national stakeholders, and rural communities.
11 pages., via online journal., In recognition of the importance of communication in extension work and agriculture, this study assessed communication methods used among core sub-programs of the Enugu State Agricultural Development Program (ENADEP). Sixty-three staff were randomly selected to participate in the study. Statistical tools such as percentage, mean score, and factor analysis were used in data analysis. Findings show that a downward (top-down) communication flow was most common, with posters and workshops as primary communication tools. Technology review meetings and training were major situations in which communication occurred, while achievement of ENADEP objectives was the most important motive for communication. Communicator knowledge about subject matter was the top-rated factor that enhanced communication; security/credibility- and human/autocracy-related problems were major constraints to effective communication. The study recommends a de-emphasis on top-down communication approaches and encourages use of digital/information communication technology (ICT) tools to minimize the gap between generation and dissemination of information and its application.
16 pages., via online journal., This study was conducted in Ethiopia to determine the use of mobile phones in agriculture. The study included 320 household heads who owned mobile phones. Data were collected using an interview schedule. The results revealed that the majority (90.6%) of household heads made phone calls for agricultural purposes. Over three quarters (85.9%) of the household heads received phone calls related to agriculture. Short message service (SMS) was poorly used. It is concluded that mobile phones are playing an important role as an informational medium. Therefore, the Ministry of Agriculture in Ethiopia needs to develop a mobile-based agricultural information dissemination system to enhance information delivery to rural farming households.
9 pages., via online journal., Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. is a major agribusiness company that communicates in a variety of ways with its rural customers. The following methods are discussed: face-to-face, print media, radio and television, printed materials, telecommunications, on disk, and satellite communication. In addition, key communication trends are identified.
15 pages., via online journal., The study analyzed 108 films released during the transformation agenda period. The proportion, frequency, centrality and framing of agricultural content in the movies were reviewed. Data obtained were described using frequency counts and percentages. One out of three movies screened had agricultural content, which was either one or two scenes in the movie (80.0%). Such content was mostly peripheral (89.0%) to the themes of the films and negatively framed (60.0%). Potentials of the industry for agricultural purposes were poorly utilized by government. Government should partner with Nollywood to portray agriculture in a positive light for improved citizens’ attitude toward agriculture.
30 pages., via online journal., In this article we present and discuss two experiments designed to test the effectiveness of the Internet as a tool of agricultural information. Subjects were cotton producers from Thessaly, Greece. Findings suggest that, in the early stages of an innovation diffusion process, the Internet is more effective than social sources (Experiment 1). However, when urgent situations that force quick decisions occur (Experiment 2), the Internet is significantly less effective than face-to-face communication channels. In both cases, farmers who used the Internet spent more time and devoted extra effort. The experiments proved that agronomists remain the most effective information source. Results also illustrate that Internet adoption is not necessarily synonymous with its use.
8 pages, The National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization (NAITCO) is a professional network of state and territory Agriculture in the Classroom programs. Its purpose is to provide national leadership in promoting agricultural literacy with the vision that “agriculture is valued by all” (National Agriculture in the Classroom, Citation2023c, Vision, para. 2). The organization grew out of a task force formed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in 1981 (National Agriculture in the Classroom, Citation2023e). Agricultural literacy is not a new concept. In the late 1980s, the National Research Council of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences established the Agricultural Education in Secondary Schools Committee to examine the status and forecast the future of agricultural education. The impetuses behind this research were the many forces identified by the Council that were challenging American agriculture and education.
15 pages., via online journal., Colorado State University Libraries (CSUL) support the preservation of agricultural history, as evidenced by their participation in the Preserving the History of United States Agriculture and Rural Life: State and Local Literature, 1820–1945 project, administered by Cornell University. This article reviews CSUL’s work on this preservation project, including digitization of historical agriculture-related documents. CSUL’s latest effort to keep agricultural literature relevant and accessible includes moving the Colorado Agriculture Bibliography website to Springshare’s LibGuides platform (https://libguides.colostate.edu/agbib). Advantages and challenges of using the LibGuides platform for the promotion and sharing of such collections are discussed.
15 pages., Via online journal., Plant pests cause crop losses of 30–40%, contributing significantly to global food insecurity. The Plantwise program works alongside national agricultural extension services, who advise smallholder farmers on plant health issues and collect data on problems they face. In a 1-year pilot, Plantwise tested the use of information and communication technologies (ICT)—tablets and short message service (SMS)—with 60 Kenyan extension workers. They were able to assist more farmers with better advice, had significantly improved access to plant health information, valued being able to ask their peers for advice, and dramatically improved the quality and speed of the data they collected.
8 pages., via online journal., This study appraised the level of usage of satellite imaging and selected Information Communication Technology (ICT) tools by agricultural extension workers (EWs) in the North Central Zone of Nigeria. Specifically, information on usage of satellite imaging, personal skill ratings, and constraints faced by respondents in the usage of ICT equipment were gathered. Findings revealed that a majority of the respondents (97%) perceived themselves as incompetent in reading and interpreting satellite imaging for agricultural information dissemination. The study posited that government at various levels should assist in training EWs on digital compatibility.
22 pages, Support for the agricultural sector from the European Union via the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is evolving. The last CAP reform in 2014 made one further step toward mandatory approaches. To understand the "social thinking" and behavior when faced with these measures, an innovative application has been adopted. Globally, the farmers' discourse manifests contradictions between environmental concern and the financial dimension, which is the expression of their daily difficulties. Mandatory approaches to sustainable agriculture may favor what the Theory of Conditionality called "legitimate transgressions" if regulations appear unadapted to real practices because compliance and opportunity costs are too high.