Solera Thomas, Laura (author), Muñoz Alvarado, Daniela (author), Angulo Araya, Carlos (author), Brenes Ramírez, José Joaquín (author), Brenes Ramírez, José Manuel (author), Brenes Víquez, Gabriel (author), Gómez Acuña, Sonia (author), and Víquez Redondo, Fausto (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Costa Rica
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 153 Document Number: D06910
Available online at, Results showed that different segments of producers had distinctive purchasing behaviors. Specifically, analytic-oriented producers tended to focus on product performance and less on the relationship with suppliers when buying their inputs. They also tended to be loyal to input brands, rely less on dealers/retailers and salespeople, and they are willing to change suppliers more often than other producers. Intuitive-oriented producers valued more the relationship with the supplier and are interested in contacting the salesperson if they need a product. Balanced-oriented producers declared to be less loyal to brands, but were more stable in terms of not changing input suppliers frequently.
Available online at, This study distinguished five categories of inter-organizational network relations: very strong operational, strong sustainable, moderate social, weak innovative and very weak shared resources. The studied networks were characterized by strong activity and actor ties and weak resources bonds. "Specifically, the lack of shared resources might negatively influence the networks innovation and sustainable in the future."
Balkan, Büsra Atamer (author), Lindqvist, Andreas Nicolaidis (author), Odoemena, Kelechi (author), Lambd, Robert (author), Tiongco, Monique Ann (author), Gupta, Stueti (author), Peterud, Arpitha (author), and Menendez III, Hector Manuel (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Germany: CENTMA Research
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 205 Document Number: D12695
16 pages, COVID-19 has caused severe agriculture and food supply chain disruptions, significantly affecting smallholder farmers who supply most of the world’s food, specifically their changes in vulnerability, resilience, and food loss and waste. Therefore, the objective of this study was to understand the complex causal and feedback relationships for this system by developing a dynamic hypothesis and causal loop diagrams utilizing the System Dynamics methodology. Results provide a roadmap for dialogue and a framework for case-specific model development and help to guide policy decisions for smallholder farmers’ survival during health crises.