15 pages, This study investigates the existing communication flows in agricultural cooperatives and the means of communication used by these organizations to communicate with their members. The authors
conducted a systematic literature review to address the following questions: How does communication occur in agricultural cooperatives? What means of communication have been adopted by agricultural cooperatives? What are the main theories supporting the analysis of communication issues in these organizations? There is evidence in the literature that inadequate communication between management and cooperative members can be one of the reasons for organizational failure. Inconsistent and ineffective communication can create a disconnect between members and organizations. In addition, communication is an important mechanism capable of improving the commitment of members to the cooperative. Despite this, agricultural cooperatives are slow to incorporate more diverse and
effective means of communication to reach their varied audiences.
12 pages, This paper addresses consumer trust in organic food in order to find out which aspects increase and decrease trust and which trust expectations consumers have. The aim is to strengthen consumer trust on the basis of the findings and to develop trust-building measures. To this end, ten focus groups with German consumers were conducted online in February 2021 and evaluated using content analysis. The results show that there is a predominant lack of trust in organic food. This is based in particular on the fact that organic production is often doubted and there are from the consumer’s point of view too many organic labels. This can be attributed not only to a lack of knowledge on the part of consumers, but also to a lack of transparency within the organic sector and in relation to organic food. Results from the consumer's point of view show that the possibility of control, information and transparency are relevant for trust in organic food and the development of knowledge about organic food can positively influence this trust.
12 pages, According to the World Health Organization a diet high in vegetables may reduce the risk of coronary heart diseases, stroke, and certain types of cancer. In addition, vegetables have lower carbon footprints than most other foods. The main objective in this paper is to find drivers behind vegetable consumption, with emphasis on health and environmental motivation. We used the theory of planned behavior together with direct acyclic graphs as a theoretical basis. The empirical analysis applied the graded response model and bounded beta regression with survey data from 2019. The main results show that health attitude is a stronger motivator for vegetable consumption than environmental attitudes.
Available online at www.centmapress.org, Bio-economy describes an economy based on renewable instead of fossil resources. Findings identified three perspectives: "sufficiency and close affinity to nature," technological progress" and "Not at any price."