1. "On her side": female images in Italian cinema and the popular press, 1945-1955 Collection: Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC) Contributers: Cigognetti, L. (author) and Servetti, L. (author) Format: Journal article Publication Date: 1996-10 Published: Italy Location: Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C24646 Journal Title: Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television Journal Title Details: 5(4) : 555-563
2. Southern Rhodesian propaganda and education films for peasant farmers, 1948-1955 Collection: Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC) Contributers: Hungwe, Kedmon (author) Format: Journal article Publication Date: 1991 Published: Southern Rhodesia Location: Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C20726 Journal Title: Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television Journal Title Details: 11(3) : 229-241 Notes: Analyzes content of educational films and observes that they tend to advance practices and preserve relationships that are not in the best long-range interest of farmers.