November 13 issue via online. 2 pages., "The deal adds almost two dozen brands to the six in Penton's agricultural group, doubling the size of Penton. Farm Progress has been owned by Australia-based Fairfax Media.
March 26 issue via online. 2 pages, Describes "the deal that combined 22 brands from Farm Progress with the six in Penton's ag group." Mentions some redundancies being addressed, especially in the southern region of the nation.
April 2 issue via online. 3 pages., Emphasizing the changing means of communicating, author notes the enduring act of reading, across time and place. "Magazine media continues to do what we have done for hundreds of years. We store valuable information for sale." "Many rural communities around the world have skipped the step of hard wired infrastructure and gone right to modern cellular networks."
August 18 issue via online. 2 pages., Features one of "12 top industry leaders seeing "opportunity amid a 'fog of choices'." Observations from Andy Weber, CEO, Farm Journal Media.
December 1 issue via online. 3 pages., Farm Journal Media will purchase Vance's agriculture and produce assets. Vance Publishing is a multimedia company founded in Chicago in 1937.
July 15 issue via online. 2 pages., Describes how Penton's increased emphasis on being an information service provider rather than business-to-business publisher is prompting a closer look at "investments in non-core businesses like data, events, and elearning."
Online via 3 pages., Article explains how Working Ranch magazine "broke the internet" with the magazine's first and only piece of sponsored content. It went viral and garnered nearly two million views, "bringing in 400-500 leads and dozens of sales to the unsuspecting advertiser."