Tillis explores the socio-political poetics of Blas Jiménez in the context of the negritude aesthetic in the Spanish-speaking world. The selected poems of Jiménez attest to the continuation of negritude ideology of Afrocentric thematic poetry in the Carribean and showed that the poet's social criticism is linked to an ideology of white supremacy resulting from colonialism and slavery.;
Within sectors of North America's African-American community, the colloquial expression "being touched by the brush" describes a multi-ethnic individual that possesses subtle Negroid physical features which are only detectable by close inspection by a "trained eye." Here, Edison discusses the historical factors in Puerto Rico and Panama that make up the foundation upon which Francisco Arrivi's "Los Vejigantes" and Carlos Guillermo Wilson's "Chombo" were constructed.;
Discusses the challenges faced by people of African descent during the slave era, who were forced to adapt to their surroudings while, at the same time, attempting to maintain their own cultural integrity. Focuses on the African Diasporic peoples of Brazil, and describes in detail the sisterhood of Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte and the brotherhood of Nossa Senhora do Rosario. Notes that these confraternities show the ingenuity of the Afro-Brazilian people as they maintained their cultural heritage.;