Online from publication, by membership. 6 pages., As a farmer/rancher, photographer, and freelancer, Author Johnson features four of her photos to "encourage you to take pause and recognize the unique gifts and opportunities that agriculture provides our children on a daily basis."
Online from publisher via membership. 5 pages., AAEA member Thomas Dodge chronicles his prolific photojournalism career in his new book, with emphasis on his agricultural/rural photography for Farm Journal, Progressive Farmer, Successful Farming, and other periodicals.
Online from publisher. 4 pages., Author and current editor in chief of Progressive Farmer magazine describes his journey into agricultural journalism, with special emphasis on his participation in AAEA (1998 president) and the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists. "Why didn't someone warn me? I'm glad they didn't. Otherwise, I never would have joined AAEA or enjoyed the rich rewards of friendships from ag communicators both near and far."
Online from publisher. 12 pages., Set of photographs taken by Jim Patrico, 2020 AAEA Photo of the Year winner. "...a superb example of visual storytelling. There isn't a weak photo in the bunch."
Online from publisher. 3 pages., President of AAEA - the Ag Communicators Network comments on meaning of the recent political violence at the U.S. Capitol and threats against legislative leaders. "To me...reasoning together and reporting facts through tough but fair coverage is one way our industry can respond during this troubled time."
Online from publication. 3 pages., 2004 president of AAEA recalls some of her experiences with the organization during her involvement as a member and leader.