Describes a new staff organization plan that discards the concept of media editors and adopts a concept of (1) department editors, (2) field editors and (3) development leadership (that is, development in radio and television, press services, and teaching and research).
Reports results of a national survey among experiment station editors about their present information organization and their suggestions about how they would like their present setup changed for more efficient operation. Seventy-eight percent cast their vote for a coordinated setup (involving agricultural research, extension and possibly resident instruction). Fifty-four percent of respondents operated currently in a coordinated setup and like it; 24 percent operated in a decentralized arrangement but wanted to change.
Brief summary of a talk by F.E. Balmer, Extension Service, State College of Washington, at the 1931 AAACE meeting in Corvallis, Oregon. American Association of Agricultural College Editors.
Brief summary of a talk by J.T. Jardine, Chief, Office of Experiment Stations, U.S. Department of Agriculture, at 1931 AAACE convention, Corvallis, Oregon. American Association of Agricultural College Editors.
Reports on a national survey of the organization and operations of editorial offices in land-grant institutions. Results revealed "an utter lack of uniformity in organization and duties in the 31 institutions reporting." Summary provides three case examples of centralized and decentralized operations. Staff numbers range from 1 to 6. Also reveals institutions in which the editorial offices provide journalism teaching.