Online via Social Sciences Research Network. 1 page., Author's analysis of obstacles for women entrepreneurship. Among those cited: "traditional mindset of the society," "negligence of the state and respective authorities," "absence of definite agenda of life, absence of balance between family and career obligations of women, poor degree of financial freedom for women," "lack of professional education," and others. Cited "need of continuous attempt to inspire, encourage, motivate and co-operate women entrepreneurs..."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 127 Document Number: D11239
Online from the Social Sciences Research Network., Literature review, observations, and recommendations involving the effectiveness of self help groups of rural women for empowering them in terms of thrift and financial management. Case studies indicate the impact of credit availability.
Ugal, David Betelwhobel (author), Ashipu, Bernard (author), and Obi, Peter A. (author)
Paper abstract
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 128 Document Number: D11246
Online via Social Sciences Research Network. 1 page., Findings identify influences involving religious beliefs, cultural encouragement of polygamy, need to satisfy husbands, perceived expense of family planning, and others.