Conference paper / Journal article, This study examined farmers’ readiness to assess social media as agro-information reception tool in the study area. An interview guide was used in collecting data from 120 farmers who were randomly selected. Data collected were analysed with the aid frequency counts percentages and logit regression. The results showed that half of the respondents (50%) had primary education. About 90% were aware of whatsapp and 12.6% were aware of blogs, respectively. Education, farming experience, membership of farmers’ group and extension access were the variables that positively influence farmers’ readiness to assesssocial media as agro-information reception tool while respondents’ age negatively influence readiness to assess social media. Enlightenment programmes for farmers on the use of social media and an improved extension services to keep the farmers acquainted with the benefits of social media.
Conference paper / journal article, The paper focused on COVID-19 pandemic, its implication on the Nigeria agriculture and the role of extension. The review uncovered a subtle but undeniable negative impact on all the value chain of the Nigeria agriculture. One of the most important factors that may avert this negative impact is agricultural extension service. With lockdown, travel ban and social distancing, the way out becomes technology. Government and institutions at all levels should intentionally deploy technology tools to aid effective agricultural extension service to farmers.