13 pages, Current study was conducted during 2020 by Department of Economics, Fatima Jinnah Women
University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan to study evaluate the marketing channel of vegetables in
Punjab pertaining to farm’s profitability and the factors determining this profit based on primary
data collected from 100 farmers each for 4 selected vegetables . Data were collected through
structured questionnaire from 36 villages out of 7 cities of Faisalabad division while from 28
villages out of 5 cities of Bahawalpur division through purposive sampling technique. Gross
margin analysis and mean regression was done to estimate the determinants of profit both at
division level and for the pooled data. The gross margin per acre was calculated at Rs.171,676
for cucumber, Rs. 171,649 for green chilies, Rs. 315,229 for tomatoes and Rs. 33,002 for onions.
The regression results showed age, farming experience, credit and storage facilities, production
cost and commission to the middle man as significantly contributing factors in profit while
the choice of production technique appeared to be particularly depending on the educational
qualification of selected farmers. The peak age that yielded maximum profit was calculated at
49 and 42 years in Faisalabad and Bahawalpur division, respectively. Experience of farmers
was significantly increased in profit. The commission to agent surpasses all other payments that
farmers incurred during marketing process. The margin was around 39% and 33% of total cost
for cucumber and chilies in Faisalabad while 34% and 43% percent for tomatoes and onion in
Bahawalpur. So the enactment of farmers with middle man for the sale of crop was due to heavy
reliance on them for loans; around 80 percent famers in Faisalabad while about 40 percent
in Bahawalpur sought loans from middle man. The study suggested that healthy competition
among farmers by providing them adequate storage facilities, sufficient credit, perfect market
information and education could contribute positively in adopting advanced modes of production
to minimize the production and marketing cost.
5 pages, The current study also focuses and analyses the farmers’ inclination and their usage of smart
phone for agricultural extension. This research is based on survey research method in which a
closed-ended questionnaire was developed after the review of relevant literature. Furthermore,
purposive and convenient sampling techniques were used to collect the data from the respondents
who are farmers in Punjab. The study was conducted during the year 2020 in the selected district
of Bahawalnagar. Overall results elaborate that age and education were among the factors that
accounted for familiarity with apps. However, 42.9 percent of the respondents with the age 30 to
40 were somehow familiar with Agri-apps and 17.3 percent of respondents with twelve years of
schooling were familiar with the apps usage. Likewise, 37 respondents in age bracket of 20 to
30 were of the view that usage of apps have resulted in increased agricultural production. It was
concluded that age and education of the respondents had significant impact on the usage and
familiarity of the apps available on smart phones.
6 pages, Pakistan is an agricultural country and has 80% percent contribution in export earnings and
50% labour forces engagement. The aim of this study was to know about government media campaigns for awareness and information in the agricultural development. The study was conducted at Department of Mass Communication Govt. College University, Faisalabad, during 2019. Data was gathered from government agriculture department website from June 2017 to June 2019 to know about the governmental contribution in agricultural development through media campaigns and nature of these campaigns to aware and educate the farmers. The study found that the mode of government media campaigns was related to transmit message to farmers
about warning and preventive (20-26%), inofmraiton and awareness (38-54%), visit and meeting
(6-10%), subsidies and credit assistant (6-16%) and policies and new technology (6-8%). The
study also revealed that government had specially focused on new technology for better results
to aware and educate the farmers to improve their cultivation. But it is also revealed that there
is more space to improve the cultivation style and government should play a greater role in the
development of agriculture sector.