14 pages., via online journal., This study sought to identify the information communication technology (ICT) needs of small-scale farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria. A structured interview schedule was used to collect data from a sample of 108 farmers. Results revealed that the majority used radio and television and owned mobile phones and video machines. Constraints to use included capacity, infrastructural/technical and logistical problems. The study recommends that the Nigerian government reorient its policies in order to harness the potential of ICTs to contribute to agricultural development and highlights the need to raise awareness of the agricultural uses of ICTs among the government, other national stakeholders, and rural communities.
4 pages., Via online journal., Transformation process to Audience-centered Communication Theory is introduced, as well as the basic idea of the theory in China. It is believed that using Audience-centered Communication theory can help to consolidate the theoretical basis of participatory agricultural extension. The communication essence of agricultural extension activity is studied, which is spreaders send information to farmers; then, farmers filter and process the information, transform it into their own experiences and feed back on time. Internet logical relationship between audience-centered communication and participatory agricultural extension is studied. Effects of Audience-centered Communication Theory on participatory agricultural extension are analyzed. One is that the Audience-centered Communication Theory defines the guidance and implementation basis of agricultural extension activities; the other is that bringing Audience-centered Communication Theory into agricultural extension research can help to expend the agricultural extension. Several enlightenments of the theory to participatory agricultural extension are obtained. Firstly, take audience as the orientation and focus on the needs of the audience. Secondly, advocate the participatory approach of process; and emphasize the importance of internal audience participation. Thirdly, establish two-way interaction mechanism; and make the promoters understand the implementation and performance status on time.
6 pages., via online journal., Cross-cultural communication is dealt with and more specifically, the communicative competence of 15 white English-speaking farmers when they speak Xhosa to their labourers is assessed. This research was conducted in the Elliot, Ugie, and Maclear areas of the north-eastern Cape. A broad sociolinguistic framework drawing on both ethnographic and ethnomethodological principles was used; complications caused by cross-cultural differences which are reflected in language, and which may lead to possible communication breakdown, were isolated. The actual analysis of speech in terms of ethnomethodological principles, such as turn-taking and the co-operative principle, was undertaken.
19 pages, The USDA has identified coexistence, or producers growing food in a variety of ways (conventionally, organic, etc.) in a harmonious manner as a critical challenge and high priority. Despite this call for coexistence and assurance of mutual success, agricultural sectors often have conflicts. Both sides of the niche and mainstream rift tend to pick and choose radical examples of problematic practices to portray the opposition. Producers, more so than most other occupations, have a deeply entrenched occupational identity. Many studies focused on the need for relationships between agricultural producers and the public. No work has been found to understand how producers from different sectors of agriculture view one another. This study sought to understand producers' identities and the relationships producers have with one another. Results indicate the occupation of farming, family ties, connection and duty to the land, hard work and pride defines producers' identities. When defining a "good farmer," producers cited innovation and efficiency, farm succession, passion and joy, and profits as markers of success. The relationships between producers varied. Overall, producers respected other producers enough to make their own choices concerning production. Social media was often mentioned when producers talked about how they communicate with one another.