9pgs, This study was conducted to identify the agricultural extension needs of women farmers and to assess the impact of their participation in agricultural extension programs on vegetable production in the area. A sample of 145 women farmers from five Grama Niladhari (GN) divisions of the DS division was randomly selected for the study. Data were collected from a researcher administered survey and analyzed using descriptive statistics and a regression analysis. As per the results, a significant number of the women farmers have
participated in most of the extension and training programs. However, some of them haven’t registered in the farmer organization present in the area. Agricultural extension agents of the area have focused on dissemination of more information regarding modern farming technologies, organic farming, application of agrochemicals and fertilizers, and improving market systems. The majority of women farmers have
used the knowledge received from the extension programs in vegetable farming activities. Furthermore, there is a significant and positive relationship between participation in extension programs by women farmers and an increase in vegetable production. Therefore, encouragement of women farmers to register in the farmer organization, provision of timely important extension service to them, organizing training programs, and workshops to disseminate agricultural information are crucial to further enhancement of vegetable production in this area.
12 pages., The study reported on in this paper investigated smallholder farmers’ access to extension services. The study sought to distinguish the varying degrees of access to services of smallholder farmers engaged in different production systems, that is, home gardening, field cropping, and livestock production. The study was conducted in Raymond Mhlaba Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape, specifically in two communities, namely Ngcabasa and Phathikhala villages. Research activities included a survey of 100 farmers as well as focus group discussions. Employing logistic regression analysis, the study aimed to understand what influences whether or not a smallholder farmer accesses extension. The study also used various types of comparative statistics (T-test) to assess the implications of access to extension support, for instance for production and farm income. The main findings of the study were that 68% of the farming households interviewed in Ngcabasa and 71% of those in Phathikhala had access to extension services. Farmers who had access to extension had more farm income in both enterprises compared to those who had no access to extension services. From the regression analysis, farmers who were more likely to receive extension support appeared to be those who were older, those with less education, and those farming with livestock.
Broughton, Duncan (author) and Win, Su Su (author)
Research summary
Publication Date:
Myanmar: Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, Michigan State University, East Lansing.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 166 Document Number: D11673
7 pages., Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy, Research Paper 131, Burma Food Security Policy Project (FSPP)., Analysis revealed that Myanmar has one of the smallest, most underfunded agricultural research systems in Southeast Asia. It is cited as having critical gaps in research capacity, an agricultural research capacity that is highly fragmented, weak linkages between research and extension at local level, and lack of overall strategy for development of agricultural research and extension. Strong economic justification was cited for higher rates of investment in agricultural research, along with recommendations for action.
9 pages., Financial challenges facing the public extension system in Trinidad prompted researchers to assess the attitude of vegetable farmers about paying for extension services. Findings of a survey among farmers indicated there is an opportunity to introduce payment.
Via journal online., Agriculture is inherently a risky enterprise because of its dependence on rainfall. To mitigate
risks, farmers diversify crops and enterprises, maintain stabilization account or resort to the sale of assets. Crop insurance is a complementary institutional mechanism that aids farmers to cope with risks better.Considering the importance of crop insurance in risk mitigation, this paper using data from a large-scale farmers’ survey we identify the factors that influence farmers’ decision to buy crop insurance and subsequently assess its impact on farm income, production expenses and productive investments in agriculture. Farmers’ adoption of crop insurance is low— 4.80% kharif season and 3.17% in the rabi season mainly on account of lack of awareness about insurance products. Nevertheless, the probability of adoption of insurance is higher for those who experience higher crop loss and have some formal training in agriculture. The subsidy on premium also positively influences crop insurance uptake decisions. On the other hand, the factors like the lower social status, tenant farming and exposure to deficit-rainfall in the previous year are negatively associated with the decision to insure. The results on the impact of insurance are not conclusive to prove that insured farmer subsumes higher risks compared to the uninsured.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C23000
Pages 210-223 in Ian Christoplos and John Farrington (eds.), Poverty, vulnerability and agricultural extension. Oxford University Press, New Delhi, India. 251 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C22999
Pages 171-209 in Ian Christoplos and John Farrington (eds.), Poverty, vulnerability and agricultural extension. Oxford University Press, New Delhi, India. 251 pages.
Annor-Frempong, Festus (author / University of Cape Coast, Ghana), Zinnah, Moses M (author / University of Cape Coast, Ghana), Owens, Michelle (author), and Obeng, A. Samuel (author / University of Cape Coast, Ghana)
Publication Date:
Ghana: Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 138 Document Number: C20936
Burton Swanson Collection, pages 281-287, from "Emerging trends in agricultural and extension education", AIAEE 2001, Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference, April 4-7, 2001, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA