Journal article identified Via online topical search. Open access., Authors report a case example that illustrates how academic libraries and librarians "are primed to lead universities toward a fuller inclusion of community partners in academic research" through their unique expertise. The "research sprint" partnership involved experiences of the Gullah-Geechee community - the descendants of Africans who were enslaved along the east coast of the United States.
23 pages, Via UI Library online subscription., Authors described issues and potentials addressed by poor women farmers in India through sanghams (cooperatives). Findings pointed toward the desire and need for communication sovereignty in resistance to patriarchal, expert-led concepts of privatization that discount their knowledge and their role in making decisions.
23 pages., Via online journal., This study draws on a culturally centered collaboration with a community of dalit women farmers in South India who were organized in a cooperative in their collective resistance against the corporatization of agriculture. Situated in the backdrop of the epidemic of farmer suicides in the region, this manuscript examines how those at the margins of global neoliberal transformations symbolically and materially make sense of and resist these transformations. The voices of the women farmers disrupt the underlying neoliberal assumptions that undergird the importation of cash crop agriculture into a subsistence and community-centered farming culture. They depict the ways in which Western cash crop agriculture disrupts community, food security, local health care systems, and the unique gender relations. Moreover, the communication advocacy work carried out by the women seeks to transform agricultural policy through material interventions as alternative practices of agriculture that challenge the hegemony of cash-based individualized agriculture.
Online from publisher website., By embracing modern technology and engaging enthusiastic young people, the work of an NGO in Malawi is extending the reach of agricultural extension across the country.
Hapsari, H. (author), Hapsari, D. (author), Karyani, T. (author), and Fatimah, S. (author)
Conference paper
Publication Date:
IOP Publishing Ltd
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 102 Document Number: D10909
Journal Title Details:
10 pages., IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, via IOPScience website., Climate change is a threat to indigenous farming systems that rely on nature. Indigenous society has idiosyncrasies in managing agricultural systems that relate to nature. This study aims to examine the adaptation mechanism of indigenous farming systems to climate change in terms of social, economic, and technological aspects. The study was conducted in Indigenous Village of Kasepuhan Ciptagelar of Sukabumi Regency West Java. The research method is case study. The technique of collecting data through in-depth interviews with selected informants, participant observation, and focus group discussion (FGD). The results showed that the indigenous society of Kasepuhan Ciptagelar experienced the changes that occur in the environment as a result of climate change. Strategies to adapt to these changes, among others: (1) use natural resources in a sustainable manner, (2) preserve the customary positive impact on the environment, (3) do a crop rotation system, (4) managing the communal granary community food security system, (5) maintaining social values in the society, (6) establish cooperation with the agricultural institutions; (7) utilizing communication networks and information systems; (8) with some help from external parties in the repair of facilities and infrastructure, such as transportation and irrigation; (9) perform the processing of non-rice farming profit-oriented, and (10) instilling the values of local wisdom to the younger generation from an early age.
Cahyono, Edi Dwi (author) and Socio-Economic Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Brawijaya,
Malang, Indonesia
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 114 Document Number: D10995
12 pages., Online ISBN: 978-981-13-2005-7
Print ISBN: 978-981-13-2004-0, In: Dutta M., Zapata D. (eds) Communicating for Social Change. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, It is understood that an effective communication approach might empower society, including the marginalized one. Nevertheless, for the sake of modernization, development agencies tend to administer a conventional top-down communication approach. This approach fails to stimulate capacities of marginal communities, causing social inequality. Therefore, this chapter demonstrates an experience of implementing an alternative approach, known as participatory communication with strong cultured-centered perspectives. A series of interactive extension or facilitation activities is described. The activities were aimed to conserve rare rice varieties and the unique farming practices in an indigenous community’s areas in the eastern region of Java Island. As a result, the farmers were more aware of the values of, and committed to conserve the endangered seed varieties and the related indigenous knowledge and practices; they were also willing to employ their indigenous institution as medium for information exchange regarding the farming system. Moreover, this project is relevant because the local public administration has been paying close attention to indigenous lifestyles for agro-eco tourism attractions recently. The project results suggest that the approach is appropriate to create social change at various levels. It is expected that our experiences will inspire readers to employ the strategic communication approach to empower marginalized communities as a way to achieve sustainable social change/development.
13 pages., Via online journal., The investigation of the rising use of pesticides in the Yazd City is a remarkable issue, the respective witnesses on the factors affecting the issue are lacking. For this reason, this contribution was intended to investigate the determinants of the pesticide use behavior (PUB) using the design of sequential-exploratory mixed method in central Iran. In the qualitative phase, verbal data (i.e., pesticide narratives) were collected. The heuristic units of the case study were thematically analyzed using the Atlas.ti software. The obtained results served as the data that were applied to develop the conceptual framework, including grounded concepts. By surveying 306 cucumber farmers, the proposed model was tested using the path analysis in the interface of SPSS and AMOS, indicating the model fits with the data well. The study finds that attitude towards the indigenous knowledge of the pest and disease management forecasts the PUB indirectly by the mediation of attitude, behavioral intention, and PBC. Moreover, large-scale farmers have a better understanding of the usefulness of the IPM. Furthermore, the scientific pesticide knowledge and imitation influence the PUB. Habitual behavior and avarice also have a negative impact on the PUB. In addition, trust has an indirect impact on the PUB via behavioral intention. It is necessary to take policy initiatives to enhance the efficient PUB by (1) establishing a network of indigenous knowledge relevant to the pest and disease management together with the scientific pesticide knowledge, (2) disseminating the innovations that mitigate the impact of pesticides (e.g., Biochar), (3) giving information to farmers so that they are persuaded to make money as much as they fulfill their fundamental needs, change their detrimental habits of pesticide use, and (4) raising the trust in cucumber farmers by establishing a close communication between agricultural experts and cucumber farmers and updating the technical knowledge of agricultural experts in the ground of pest and vector management as well as the use of pesticides.
8 pages., Via online journal., Agricultural communication to mitigate climate change enables information dissemination of both scientific knowledge (SCK) and indigenous knowledge (IDK) for practical farming. This research analyzed knowledge utilization and conducted community-based participatory communication to propose a practical agricultural communication framework for climate mitigation. Based on a qualitative method of data collection in Phichit province, the key findings showed that SCK and IDK can be mutually utilized to enhance the good relationship among the people and for the people with nature. The participatory communication processes consisted of planning, interventions, and monitoring and empowerment. The successful farmers employing the farming practices of not burning rice straw, rice straw composting, and alternative wetting and drying technique were the main senders. The messages were related to their farming practices focusing on a practical and understandable message and graphic explanations. Vinyl was selected as a communication material for signage in the most noticeable areas in their communities. This research highlights that participatory communication with group dynamics and communication promotion mechanisms at both local and national levels should be enhanced.
19 pages., via online journal., The following study looks at how traditional, organic, cooperative farmers
starting a new farming cooperative in the US Southwest communicate
about their farming as a set of (sustainable) cultural practices. The study
draws on environmental communication theory, the theory of the
coordinated management of meaning, and Vandana Shiva’s three-tiered
economic model to construct a communication-based framework
through which to view farmers’ stories about sustainability. This
framework is productive, showing how some Nuevo Mexicano farmers
(and others) orient toward farming, sustenance, and human-nature
relationships through community, family, heritage, and education.
Moreover, in addition to a conceptualization of sustainability as specific
practices for nurturing and enduring in environments, communities, and
organizations/institutions, sustainability can be understood as
embedded ecocultural and historical experience with cross-cultural
parallels in land-based communities. This study advances the ethical
duty of environmental communication to better understand the ways in
which environmental discourse and ecocultural and material realities are
imbricated, as well as the call for such discursive study to be grounded
in phenomenological experience of the natural world.