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    401. Heritage conservation districts and the Ontario Heritage Act

    403. Town and Country Planning

    406. The planning of air stations for single-engined helicopters

    409. Resolves of the Monterey Conference on Planning for Rotorcraft and Commuter Air Transportation (Monterey, California, August 31-September 4, 1981)

    411. Six English New Towns: A Financial Analysis

    412. The Alliance Review

    413. America's Conservation Districts: 3,000 Local Programs for Improvement of the Environment

    417. Economic Development Abroad

    423. Lowell. National Historical Park. Heritage State Park

    430. Decatur House. A property of the National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States

    431. City

    432. City

    434. Annual state historic preservation plan for fiscal year 1978. New Hampshire

    436. New York Gazette. Latest news about the New York State Urban Cultural Park System. (two issues)

    442. The siting of hazardous plants in urban areas

    443. The city as an artifact: Building control in modern Paris

    444. Changing governmental roles in urban development

    445. A Bibliography on Canadian New Towns

    446. The Canada Company and urban settlement pattern in 19th century S. W. Ontario: The case of Goderich

    447. Executive summary of needs and capacities studies

    448. Tax incentives for rehabilitating historic buildings

    450. Historic preservation certification application. Instructions

    452. Financing new communities. Government and private experience in Europe and the United States

    453. HUD International Country Profile: Housing and Urban Development in (country)

    456. Planning Concepts in the Improvement Schemes of Victorian Edinburgh

    460. Zoning for farmland preservation: A legal analysis of Illinois county zoning techniques for preserving agricultural land

    461. Preserving Georgia's archaeological past for the future

    463. Statement of Qualifications Boneyard Creek Master Plan

    464. The first city-extension competitions in nineteenth-century Germany and Austria

    469. Inspired: Fundraising for historic churches and synagogues

    471. Inspired: Reusing churches at the University of Scranton

    473. Inspired: The Value of Landmarks: Connecting Church and Community

    474. Les villes nouvelles Francaises de la conception au debut de la realisation

    476. Programs for museums

    477. Guide form for ordinance establishing a municipal planning commission

    478. City of Planton Flood Protection Plan

    479. DUPLICATE OF: City of Planton Flood Protection Plan

    482. Historic preservation loans

    483. Homelessness: Programs and the people they serve. Findings of the National Survey of Homeless Assistance Providers and Clients. Highlights

    487. List of international organizations from which the University of Illinois Library receives publications

    488. First Prize, Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, Eero Saarinen & Associates

    489. The community mental health center. Bold new approach

    490. Partial hospitalization. A service of the community mental health center

    491. Consultation and education. A service of the community mental health center

    492. Inpatient services. A service of the community mental health center

    493. The medical school and the community mental health center. Report of a conference sponsored by the Southern Regional Education Board and the National Institute of Mental Health held in Atlanta, Georgia, December 13-15, 1966

    494. Financial assistance for homebuyers and

    499. History News Technical Leaflet #200: Fancy fonts, borders, and boxes: Ten tips to better newsletter design

    500. Hospital. A community health facility designed by fourth year students of the School of Architecture