Allende,Isabel (Author) and Peden,Margaret Sayers (Translator)
Book, Whole
Publication Date:
New York: Harper
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
457 p, The story of a mulatta woman, a slave and concubine, determined to take control of her own destiny in a society where that would seem impossible
In her book Louisiana, Erma Brodber reflects on the alliances that should exist between the African American and Afro Caribbean peoples, symbolically repairing the fissures that exist between the two, while addressing an uncommon subject in Caribbean migrant literature. Brodber's literary themes toward the unification of the relationships shared amongst the black diaspora articulate the legal tensions and national differences that can impede these alliances. Although Brodber's novel approaches this by creating a reconnection of the African diaspora in a borderless and nationless transmigration, and sometimes through a spaceless spirit world, Page argues that in reality this reunification is affected by the rules of the state that simply cannot be ignored.;
Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
365 p., As Louisiana and Cuba emerged from slavery in the late 19th Century, each faced the question of what rights former slaves could claim. Observes the people, places, legislation and leadership that shaped how these societies adjusted to the abolition of slavery. The two distinctive worlds also come together, as Cuban exiles take refuge in New Orleans in the 1880s, and black soldiers from Louisiana garrison small towns in eastern Cuba during the 1899 U.S. military occupation.
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
265 p, Chapter 2 entitled "Saint-Domingue in Louisiana? Slave Resistance, White Hysteria, and a Fledgling Slave Regime" argues that comparisons of Louisiana’s aborted 1795 slave conspiracy to the revolution in Saint -Domingue is overblown. "In short, Pointe Coupée was no Saint-Domingue, which underscored what would have been surprising to whites in Louisiana in 1795: because of, and in some cases, in spite of, their convulsive policies, they had built a relatively stable slave society."
Gaspar,David Barry (Author) and Geggus,David P. (Author)
Book, Whole
Publication Date:
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press
African American Research Center, Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
262 p, examines several slave societies in the Greater Caribbean to illustrate the pervasive and multi-layered impact of the revolutionary age on the region. Built precariously on the exploitation of slave labor, organized according to the doctrine of racial discrimination, the plantation colonies were particularly vulnerable to the message of the French Revolution, which proved all the more potent because it coincided with the emergence of the antislavery movement in the Atlantic world and interacted with local traditions of resistance among the region's slaves, free coloreds, and white colonists.